Library Mission Statement

The mission of the John B. Coleman Library is to provide information, access services, cultural programs and library instruction, in support of the evolving curriculum of Prairie View A&M University. The Library staff provides leadership in the use and retrieval of information, consistent with the University’s mission of teaching, research, and services. The Library evaluates its collections, service delivery, technology, and other activities on a regular basis, in order to continue to meet the challenges of a changing technological and global society. The Library seeks to build and maintain a quality collection by coordinating the active participation of the university community in identifying and acquiring resources.

Library Vision Statement

The John B. Coleman Library seeks to be the “heart” of the academic and research culture of the campus, and to contribute to the intellectual activities of Prairie View A&M University. The Library envisions that it will fulfill its unique role as a major contributor to the academic, cultural, and social development of the university community. In fulfilling this vision, the Library will continue to acquire and maintain adequate information resources, offer effective instruction on the retrieval and use of materials in all formats, and continue to provide state-of-the-art technology for users in all locations. The library also aspires to assist the University in its commitments to the broader community, by developing innovative approaches to supporting life-long learning. The realization and achievement of this vision will ensure our stakeholders that Prairie View A&M University will continue to meet the challenges of the 21st century and sustain excellence in undergraduate, graduate, and professional studies. The John B. Coleman Library has adopted the following slogans that summarize and exemplify this Vision:

New Directions for Library USE: Improving Unity, Service, and Excellence
Libraries are Essential to Producing and Transforming Learning Communities

Our Services

Call us: 936-261-1500

Administration Staff

 Karl Henson

Karl E. Henson, M.L.S.

Interim Director, Libraries

(936) 261-1504

Marcus Bass

Marcus Bass

Administrative Associate IV

(936) 261-1519