Citation Management Tools and Styles

RefWorks at ProQuest: RefWorks is a web-based bibliography and database manager that allows you to create your own personal database by importing references from text files or online databases and other various sources. on campus and off campus access available.

  • Create a RefWorks account: 
    1. First time users should create a personal account by clicking the link :create account.” Sign up with your PVAMU email address and password.
    2. Important: DO NOT use the link “Use login from my institution.”
    3. After creating an account, sign in with the account email and password you created.
  • Four Easy Steps on Getting Started on RefWorks:
    1. Log into RefWorks  with your RefWorks account information.
    2. From a browser such as Google Chrome, search a resource such as JStor or EBSCO advanced search for articles:
      – A list of search results will display according to your search terms.
    3.  Mark articles from the results:
      – Mark the articles you wish to have citations for. This procedure is different depending which resource you are using.
    4. Export to RefWorks.
      – After marking the articles, select download or export  to RefWorks depending on the resource you are using.
      – A prompt should appear displaying the option to create a document with the citation results.
      – The results of your search should also be in your RefWorks account.

Other Open Source Citation Tools:

Zotero — an open source citation management tool

Getting started with Zotero:

Step 1: Download the software application AND the browser connector.

Step 2. Open Zotero. In your browser, search for an article in a database.

Step 3. Click the Zotero icon at the top of your browser to save a citation from that page. It will look different depending on the number and types of citations listed.


Step 4. While writing your paper, use the Zotero tab in Word to insert citations and a bibliography.

Step 5. See the Zotero Quick Start Guide for more information.

Mendeley — an open source citation management tool

Free downloads available for desktops, browser extensions, Microsoft Word Add-ins, and mobile applications. Users can sign up for a free account to manage citations in the web-based reference portal. New feature: Mendeley Cite — Citation add-in for Microsoft® Word