Meal Plan Selection

Your Current Meal Plan Options are:


17 Meals with 300 Points 10 Meals With 400 Points

14 Meals With 375 Points 7 Meals With 425 Points

Meals reset weekly every Sunday night.

All unused points DO NOT ROLL OVER from fall to spring.

In order to select your meal plan:

  1. On PVAMU Website Click PV Place
  2. Log into PV Place
  3. Click here for Panther Tracks
  4. On main page click Student Tab
  5. Click Student Account
  6. Click “Choose a Meal Plan”
  7. *Must select the check box below *
  8. Choose the term for the Meal Plan
  9. Click Submit
  10. Click Submit again so it will confirm meal plan.
By Selecting a meal plan and check this box, you are accepting the meal plan charges associated with the plan.

(Summer 202230 or Fall 202310)

(The 5th class day of each semester will be the last day to change your meal plan)

Laundry Fee $65.00

(Laundry will be assessed once you select a meal plan

If you are a commuter student who wishes to have a meal plan, please fill out this application and email it to

Application for Commuter Meal Add/Drop