The Office of Title-III Programs provides financial assistance to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to establish or strengthen their physical plants, financial management, academic resources, and endowment-building capacity. Funds may be used for the purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment. Also supported are the construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement of instruction facilities. Funds support faculty exchanges and the development of academic instruction in disciplines in which black Americans are underrepresented. Projects may support the purchase of library materials as well as tutoring, counseling, and student service programs. Also supported are: funds and administrative management; joint use of facilities; establishment or improvement of development offices; establishment or enhancement of programs of teacher education; establishment of outreach programs; and other activities that a grantee proposes in its application that contributes to carrying out the purposes of the program and are approved by the Secretary as part of the review and acceptance of the grant application.
Establishing a Solar Experiment Laboratory

It is estimated that the world’s supply of non-renewable energy sources of oil and natural gas will begin declining in 2030. To assure a continued future source of energy, we must concentrate on renewable sources that will be available when oil, gas, and coal are depleted.
Engineers at Prairie View A&M University continue to work on the incorporation of renewable energy sources into our power grid system and alternatively as a stand-alone or hybrid energy system for private homes or small industrial complexes. A natural extension of this work is to study solar energy. Funds are being requested to develop a solar experiment laboratory that will investigate using solar energy to power homes and vehicles, especially electric and hybrid.
Contact :
John H. Fuller, Ph.D., PE, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Email:, Phone: (936)261-9909
Enhancing the Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) Program Infrastructure

Building upon the master’s programs, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is designed to prepare experts in nursing practice. Upon graduation, learners should be able to translate health-related research into health care practice, shape systems of care, use informatics and quality improvement models to improve staff performance, and enhance individual health care needed to serve populations. To achieve these outcomes, the program’s academic infrastructure (faculty, resources, physical space, and partnerships) must be strong and stable. Faculty must be knowledgeable of quality improvement, evidence-based health care, and health informatics. The College must be supportive of obtaining resources and partnerships to facilitate quality improvement projects. The physical space must encourage exploration, collaboration, and discussion.
The goal of the enhancing program infrastructure project is to strengthen the DNP program’s infrastructure for teaching quality improvement and health informatics. Quality improvement and health informatics are two of eight essentials/competencies that must be present in programs conferring the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. Therefore, program infrastructure such as faculty knowledge of quality improvement, evidence-based practice, and health informatics; partnerships and linkages; and resources will be enriched. In addition, the physical space will be overhauled in order to facilitate active learning, working teams, and social learning, which are skills required for useful quality improvement. DNP students’ hard skillsets for data analytics, project management, and telehealth, as well as soft skill sets of self-awareness and interprofessional teamwork, will also be improved. The College of Nursing will use the funds to employ a project director, restructure the physical space, purchase resources, and support faculty and students’ knowledge enhancement.
Contact :
Gaines, Chloe, Director, DNP Program, Email:, Phone: (713)797-7067