On-Campus Recruiting is designed to bring employers to the Prairie View A&M University campus who are interested in meeting students face-to-face to discuss co-op / internship and full- / part-time opportunities. Career Services also helps market your information session to students. To participate in On-Campus Recruiting, employers may complete and submit the On-campus Recruiting Form and a member of the Career Services staff will contact you to schedule your event.
Employer Spotlight (Table in the Memorial Student Center)*
It is suggested recruiters select a day Monday through Thursday; please note, the majority of students are on campus M-Thurs. A recruitment table includes 2 chairs and will be set-up in the foyer/hallway in the Memorial Student Center. This service is free of charge. We will also need a 7-day notice on this request.
Information Sessions
Holding an Information session is a great opportunity to get in touch with a targeted group of students. Information sessions are held Monday through Thursday. Career Services also helps market your information session to students. Our university policy states that we need a 15 day notice for events as these. Please submit this request at least 15 days prior to the event.
On Campus Interviews
We welcome you to schedule a date to visit our campus and interview undergraduates, graduating seniors, graduate students and alumni. Recruiters may use our facilities at no cost to interview candidates for full-time, career, and internship positions. Please indicate in the comments, the number of interview rooms you need.
Attend the Career Fair
Our career fairs are hosted each spring and fall semesters, for all majors. If you are a registered employer on Handshake, please login there to register for the upcoming career fair. If you are not a registered employer with us, please request this information from careers@pvamu.edu.
Internship or Full-time Position Flyers or Notices
Please email announcements to careers@pvamu.edu. All announcements are welcomed, but specifically send announcements that you have not listed on Pantherlink.
*Special Note: We will do our best to accommodate your request.
For questions about this form, please call us at (936) 261-3570.