Faculty are responsible for being aware of the University Administrative Guidelines on Academic Integrity and contributing to student development by promoting academic integrity, addressing dishonesty, and assisting in the development of ethical reasoning. Such behavior includes:
- Providing a clear and complete syllabus which describes course expectations, guidelines, and standards of performance, as well as those of the University that concern academic integrity;
- Holding students responsible for knowing these expectations and guidelines;
- Fostering an environment where academic integrity is expected and respected;
- Detecting and properly handling breaches of academic integrity;
- Fostering a classroom environment in which all students are treated with courtesy and respect;
- Evaluating student work based on its academic merit;
- Giving students timely and honest feedback;
- Being available to discuss appropriate academic matters.
Regulation of academic dishonesty is the direct responsibility of the instructor. However, students are not excused from complying with the Panther Code of Honor and the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement because an instructor did not prevent academic dishonesty.
Academic Integrity Investigation Procedures
Faculty-Student Resolution Option Consists of Five Distinct Steps
Initial Reporting of Suspected Violation
The instructor should fill out the “Honor Code Violation Report/Resolution Form” within ten (10) business days of observing, discovering, or receiving a report of an alleged incident of academic misconduct.
If the student has a previous record of academic misconduct, and/or the student disagrees with the internal resolution, the case is to be referred to the AIRB for further handling.
Cases of academic dishonesty may be reviewed and resolved in consultation with a faculty member for level I and II offenses. All level III and IV offenses are required to go before the AIRB.
Meeting Between Faculty Member and Student
If there is no previous record of Academic Dishonesty, the instructor may decide to handle the case through the Faculty-Student Resolution approach.
The instructor must meet with the student prior to assigning a sanction.
If both the instructor and the student agree on a determination of whether a violation of academic integrity has taken place and actions to be taken subsequent to their meeting, then both parties will sign the “Honor Code Violation Report/Resolution Form”, and the record will be kept in department head’s office.
Faculty Determination and Recommendation
If subsequent to the meeting held under the Faculty-Student Resolution process, the instructor determines that no violation has occurred, then the case is dropped, no action is taken against the student and the decision is reported to the AIRB.
If however, a determination is made that violation has occurred then sanctions will apply. This may range from giving a zero for an assignment/test to giving an F grade for the course.
Student Notification of Faculty Recommendation
The instructor shall inform the student of the recommended sanction and of the process.
The student is required to check one of the response options on the “Honor Code Violation Report/Resolution Form” and sign the form.
Student Options
If the student accepts responsibility for the academic misconduct and accepts the sanction assigned by the instructor, no further action is required of the instructor and the student. The Form will be included in the case file and the case is complete.
If the student denies that the misconduct occurred, or requests to discuss the matter further with the chair of the AIRB, the instructor submits the “Honor Code Violation Report/Resolution Form” and all applicable documentation to the AIRB within 10 business days. This submission begins the process by which the AIRB adjudicates the case.