Office of Business Affairs

Daarel Burnette
Dr. Daarel Burnette
Interim Senior Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer

Welcome to the Division of Business Affairs. Under the leadership of the Interim Senior Vice President for Business Affairs & Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Daarel Burnette, this division is responsible for ensuring that all fiscal and physical resources provided to the institution are used in the appropriate manner, providing a safe and secure environment for our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors, and being responsive to those we proudly serve.

The areas within the Division of Business Affairs are as follows:

  • Auxiliary Services
  • Campus Planning & Space Management
  • Center for Information Technology Excellence (CITE)
  • Facilities & Risk Management
  • Financial Management Services
  • Procurement & Disbursement Services

The Division of Business Affairs is committed to assisting the University achieve its first-class status in teaching, research, and service through efficient and effective delivery of support services in a manner that is customer-friendly, open and communicative, and ensures compliance with applicable laws, policies, rules, and regulations. We are making strides in improving our services and want to hear from you.

View Administrative Memos

The 4Cs Imperative of the Office of Business Affairs


Customer Care

We will provide exceptional customer care in a timely and respectful manner while exceeding expectations.


We will communicate in a timely and efficient manner until your issue is resolved to your satisfaction.


We will remain and help YOU to remain in compliance with all applicable laws and ethical standards.


We are committed to going the “extra mile” beyond the tasks and responsibilities of our jobs to further the mission of the University.

Office Location and Mailing Address

Office Business Affairs
A.I. Thomas Building, Suite 116
P.O. Box 519, Mail Stop 1300
Prairie View, TX 77446

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Phone: (936) 261-2150
Fax: (936) 261-2159