- Communicate clearly and often with students during the course. Directly communicate the purpose, relevance and value of course material.
- Be explicit about academic integrity. Do not take for granted that students know what it means in this online environment. What should students do and not do to comply with academic integrity principles in this course?
- State the academic integrity policy in your syllabus and provide the link to The PVAMU Honor Code. Include course orientation activities to engage students with academic integrity policy and the PVAMU Honor Code.
- Design your online course to reduce pressure to cheat; include self-assessments or low-stakes activities to test student understanding; pace the deadlines to keep student workload manageable; model academic integrity through your own postings and behavior.
Monitor and track student work carefully. Use university resources to monitor academic integrity: Turnitin, Respondus Lockdown Browser, Respondus Monitor, etc. Visit the Center for Instructional Innovation and Technology Services (CIITS) for more information about the various services offered to faculty, staff, and students.
- Include statements about academic integrity at the top of assignments and in exam instructions. Check for understanding: Maybe have the first question on exams be a verification that the student will complete the remainder of the test without unauthorized assistance.
- Design alternative assessments, either for everyone or for students who do not have access to the technology needed to protect integrity. Assessments designed for application make it more difficult and less tempting for students to cheat. Provide “hands-on” or “real-world” problems that students cannot look up answers to.
- For writing assignments, give non-generic prompts, require drafts to show progress and development, and let students know you will use the Turnitin tool. Encourage students to utilize the Writing Center or the Library (Instructional Services) for assistance.
Include direct links to support services for students so they are driven to the right place for the help they need; for example, The Writing Center, The University Tutoring Center, The John B. Coleman Library, etc.
Rework and revise your online course, including assignments, each semester.
Tips for Faculty to Cultivate Academic Integrity in Online CoursesAshley Leiva2021-09-07T11:40:08-05:00