Core Proposal Process and Resources
Approval Process
Proposals to update the Core Curriculum must follow the university curriculum approval process including submission through the Curriculum Document Tracking system found on the Curricular Services Intranet Site. All core proposals must be approved by the University Core Curriculum Committee, whose membership consists of faculty, staff, and student representation. Proposals must have approval by the respective department and college curriculum levels and academic dean before submission to the Office of Academic Affairs for review by the Core Curriculum Committee. Proposals are reviewed by the Undergraduate Committee (UC).
PVAMU Core Request Forms
The following Core Request forms must be submitted for all changes to the Core Curriculum. The form should be accompanied by required university forms (e.g., Curriculum Approval Form and for proposals for new courses the University Course Inventory Update Form and Syllabi with clearly defined student learning outcomes, assignments with new core objectives, etc.). University forms are located on the Curricular Services Intranet Site.
The current Prairie View A&M University Core Curriculum can be found in the University Online Catalog at
PVAMU Curriculum Documents
The Office of Academic Affairs has migrated all forms and documents associated with the curriculum approval process to the Curricular Services Intranet Site. Please join the space to access submission instructions, required forms, calendars, and the Curriculum Document Tracking system.