Andrea Oseolorun

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Environmental Toxicology, Texas Southern University, 2009
Research and Teaching Interests
- Trace metal mixture analysis and toxicology. Green methods for wastewater remediation and hazardous waste management in home healthcare industry.
- Green chemistry course design, Co-advisor to the chemistry club, and coordinator of the Green Chemistry commitment program for the Department of Chemistry and Physics.
Professional Activities
- Sigma Xi Scientific Honor Society Committee on Nominations – Member
- American Chemical Society – Member
- National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers – Member
- Society of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology – Member
- American Association for the Advancement of Science – Member
Selected Research Publications
- Endangered Element Vanadium: Can the Texas Oil and Gas Sector provide it a Sustainable Future? Dr. Andrea Ashley-Oyewole, International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol 11, No. 1, March 2021, doi:10.30845/ijast.v11n1p1.
- Improving Texas Home Healthcare Waste Management Policies and Practices: The Role of the Environmental Toxicologist, Dr. Andrea Ashley-Oyewole, American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 6, No. 5; October 2016.
- The Effects of Copper, Manganese, and Vanadate Mixtures on Caco-2 Cell Cultures: A Case for the Precautionary Principle, Dr. Andrea Oyewole, Dr. Bobby Wilson, Dr. Felicia Conley, and Dr. Renard Thomas, International. Journal of Business, Humanities, and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 2, March 2014.
- Municipal Solid Waste Production in Home Healthcare, Dr. A. Oyewole, Dr. J. Sapp, and Dr. B. Wilson, O. Oyewole, International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Vol. 4, No. 3; May 2014.