The Department of Mathematics is housed under the Marvin D. and June Samuel Brailsford College of Arts and Sciences. This Department offers an innovative and comprehensive undergraduate program in Mathematics from which a student may select one of three emphasis options: Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Mathematics Teaching.
The curriculum is rigorous and demanding but flexible enough to allow students to sample several disciplines or to focus on a special interest within the major area. Faculty advisors are available to assist the students to continue to ensure proper course selection toward graduation and relative to career goals.
Through an interdisciplinary program, experiential learning opportunities, and research partnerships, the Department of Mathematics continues to be an innovative force in undergraduate education. Our curriculum equips students with critical thinking, analytical skills and high quality mathematics content knowledge and prepares them to make an impact on the global community.
Additionally, the Department of Mathematics provides a quality instruction, research, and outreach program in Mathematics, producing independent learners equipped with problem-solving and decision-making skills and techniques necessary to enter Graduate School and a global workforce. Students receive training to aid them in preparation of their chosen careers and contribute to the mainstream of the communities in which they live.
We build a solid foundation of growth, skills and knowledge of mathematics. Our passion for educating tomorrow’s leaders is supported by our desire to provide an innovative and enriching educational experience.
Degrees Offered
Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics: The Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics requires completion of the university core courses as well as 43 hours of specialized mathematics courses depending on the students’ interest.
Minor in Mathematics: With a minor in mathematics, you can present yourself to prospective employers as someone possessing strong analytical skills. Your mathematics background will enhance your problem-solving skills and enhance your marketability.
Admission Requirements

Official high school transcript or GED and graduate under the distinguished or recommended program.
Passage of any state-mandated examination used as a high school exit examination.
High school grade point average that is equal to or greater than 2.80 (on a 4.0 scale).
Honor Societies & Clubs
- The Mathematics Club
- Beta Kappa Chi
National Honor Society - Pi Mu Epsilon
(national honor society
in mathematics)
*General Admission requirements for Prairie View A&M University.

Mailing Address
Department of Mathematics
P.O. Box 519 – Mailstop 2225
Prairie View, TX 77446-0519
Physical Address
W. R. Banks Building, Suite 310
Telephone: (936) 261-1970
Fax: (936) 261-2088
Dandrielle C. Lewis, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Head of the Department of Mathematics
Phone: (936) 261-1975
Email: dclewis@pvamu.edu