Psi Chi

Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, which was founded in 1929. Psi Chi’s mission is “recognizing and promoting excellence in the science and application of psychology”. Edwin Newman and Fredrick H. Lewis, from the University of Kansas, built the foundation for a national student organization for psychology. In 1929, representatives from different colleges came together at the Ninth International Congress of Psychology and signed the charter. September 9th, 1929, is the official charter date of Psi Chi. Psi Chi has inducted more than 700,000 lifetime members from chapters in the United States, Canada, and multiple other countries. Notable past and present members of the organization include B.F. Skinner, Philip Zimbardo, Jon Stewart, and Dr. Phil.

The benefits of joining PsiChi are being a member for life, international recognition, $400,000 offered in scholarships and grants, attending regional and national research conventions, and chapter networking. Psi Chi offers many benefits that help outside of undergrad.

Criteria for Joining

Undergraduate Criteria

  • Must major or minor in Psychology
  • Have completed at least 3 semesters of college coursework
  • Have at least 9 credit hours in Psychology courses
  • Have a minimum overall 3.0 GPA

Transfer Criteria

  • If only the credits transfer from the previous institution and not the grades, at least 12 credit hours need to be taken here, and 9 credits need to be derived from Psychology classes
  • If already a member at the previous institution, contact our faculty advisor, Dr. Peter Metofe, at to complete an online transfer of membership form and submit the completed and approved form to the PVAMU Psi Chi email at
  • All other criteria are the same as the undergraduate criteria

Graduate Student Criteria

  • Must take at least 9 credit hours of graduate Psychology courses
  • Have an overall 3.0 GPA
  • Still meet the requirements of the chosen PVAMU Psychology program

E-Board Members

  • President – Amaya Xallen
  • Vice President – Lourdes Townsend Johnson
  • Secretary – Shyiannah Fisher
  • Treasurer – Laila Quiller
  • Co-Social Media and Historian Chair – Jacquel Robinson
  • Event Coordinator – Jayda Williams

  • Faculty Advisor – Peter Metofe

Contact information

Instagram: @pvamupsichi
Twitter: @psichipvamu

Frequently Asked Questions

Applications and inductions will take place each semester. A mass email containing the application to the Prairie View A&M University chapter will be sent to every Psychology major or minor. Zoom interviews will be conducted, and acceptance and rejection letters will be emailed individually following interviews. If accepted, you must join and pay the due for the international organization before participating in chapter events or receiving chapter benefits.
Psi Chi is an international honor society only available to those majoring or minoring in psychology. Psychology Club is a student-created and led organization open to any university student interested in the field of Psychology. Psychology Club is also open to any classification, whereas Psi Chi is only open to second-semester sophomores (by credits) majoring or minoring in Psychology.
Yes, as long as you meet all presented criteria.
There is a one-time $60 international organization fee (after tax and fees) that must be paid through the international website. The PVAMU chapter of Psi Chi does NOT receive any profit from the $60 international fee but does require a $20 semesterly chapter fee due September 15th and February 12th of each semester.