Faculty and Staff

African American Studies

Dr. Jeanelle Hope

Jeanelle Hope, Ph.D.
Director & Associate Professor of African American Studies
Program Coordinator for African American Studies

Office: 316 Woolfolk
Phone: (936) 261-3202
Email: jkhope@pvamu.edu 


Dr. Karl Baughman

Karl E. Baughman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and History Program Coordinator

Office: 305 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3296
Email: kebaughman@pvamu.edu

Dr. Ian Abbey

Ian Abbey, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Office: 207 E. G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-2550
Email: iaabbey@pvamu.edu

Malachi D. Crawford

Malachi D. Crawford, Ph.D.
Interim Associate Dean for Research – Social Sciences and Humanities
Associate Professor

Office: 304B Woolfolk
Phone: (936) 261-3214
Email: macrawford@pvamu.edu

Ronald E. Goodwin

Ronald E. Goodwin, Ph.D.
Professor and Interim Division Head

Office: 318 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3208
Email: regoodwin@pvamu.edu

John Gorman

John Gorman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Office: 314 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3203
Email: jwgorman@pvamu.edu

James T. Jones, III

James T. Jones, III, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Office: 320 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3204
Email: jtjones@pvamu.edu

T. DeWayne Moore, Ph.D. Assistant Professor

T. DeWayne Moore, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Office: 207 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-2555
Email: tdmoore@pvamu.edu

Ralph E. Morales

Ralph E. Morales III, Ph.D.
Lecturer I

Office: 316 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3207
Email: remorales@pvamu.edu

Dr. Coiette Gaston

Coiette Morton, Ed.D.
Lecturer I

Office: 203 Woolfolk
Phone: (936) 261-3218
Email: cogaston@pvamu.edu
Schedule an Advising Meeting!

Bequita Pegram, MA

Bequita Pegram, Ph.D.
Lecturer I

Office: 207 H. G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3200
Email: bvpegram@pvamu.edu

Marco Robinson

Marco Robinson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Assistant Director of the Ruth J. Simmons Center for Race and Justice

Office: 317 Woolfolk
Phone: (936) 261-3219
Email: mtrobinson@pvamu.edu

Lessie Tate

Lessie Tate, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Office: 203 B Woolfolk
Phone: (936) 261-3217
Email: letate@pvamu.edu

Dr. Matthew Washington

Matthew Washington, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Office: 207 D Woolfolk
Phone: (936) 261-2565
Email: mawashington@pvamu.edu

Philosophy and Geography

Dr. Mark Tschaepe

Mark D. Tschaepe, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy
Program Coordinator

Office: 315 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3216
Email: mdtschaepe@pvamu.edu

Harry W. Adams

Harry W. Adams, Ph.D.
Lecturer II (Philosophy)

Office: 207 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3207
Email: hwadams@pvamu.edu

Dr. Sarah Conrad

Sarah Conrad, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Office: 204 G G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3200
Email: saconrad@pvamu.edu

Dr. Ayodeji

Dr. Ayodeji Iyanda
Assistant Professor of Geography

Office: 202 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-2558
Email: aeiyanda@pvamu.edu

Political Science

Michael J. Nojeim, Ph.D. Professor and Program Coordinator

Michael J. Nojeim, Ph.D.
Professor and Program Coordinator

Office: 303 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3213
Email: mjnojeim@pvamu.edu

Dr. Gargi Aleaz

Gargi Aleaz, Ph.D.
Lecturer I

Office: 204 Woolfolk
Phone: (936) 261-3777
Email: gaaleaz@pvamu.edu

Dr. Jeremy Berkowitz

Jeremy Berkowitz, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Office: 204 Woolfolk
Phone: (936) 261-3775
Email: jeberkowitz@pvamu.edu


Walle Engedayehu, Ph.D.
Professor and Interim Dean of Arts and Sciences

Office: 102 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3201
Email: waengedayehu@pvamu.edu

William T. Hoston, Ph.D. Professor

William T. Hoston, Ph.D.
Professor and Director of the Mellon Center for Faculty Excellence

Office: 321 Woolfolk
Phone: (936) 261-2557
Email: wihoston@pvamu.edu

Mr. Stephen Huss

Stephen A. Huss, MA
Lecturer II

Office: 204 I  Woolfolk
Phone: (936) 261-2559
Email: sahuss@pvamu.edu

Angelia Y. Jones

Angelia Y. Jones, Ph.D.
Lecturer I

Office: 313 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3205
Email: ayjones@pvamu.edu

Dr. Roman Krastev

Roman Krastev, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Office: 204 J.  Woolfolk
Phone: (936) 261-2561
Email: rokrastev@pvamu.edu

Kyu Young Lee, Ph.D Assistant Professor

Kyu Young Lee, Ph.D
Assistant Professor

Office: 204 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-2566
Email: kylee@pvamu.edu

Lee A. McGriggs

Lee A. McGriggs, Ph.D.
Lecturer II

Office: 203 D G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3211
Email: lamcgriggs@pvamu.edu

Nathan K. Mitchell

Nathan K. Mitchell, Ph.D.
Professor and Director of B-GLOBAL QEP

Office: 319 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3209
Email: nkmitchell@pvamu.edu

Billy W. Monroe

Billy W. Monroe, Ph.D.

Office: 307 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3206
Email: bwmonroe@pvamu.edu

Tabitha S. Morton

Tabitha S. Morton, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Office: 313 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3205
Email: tsmorton@pvamu.edu

Dr. MELANYE PRICE's picture standing by the books in the library.

Melanye Price, Ph.D.
Endowed Professor and Director of Ruth J. Simmons Center for Race and Justice

Office: 234 W.R. Banks Building
Phone: (936) 261-3222
Email: mtprice@pvamu.edu


Megan E. Collins

Megan E. Collins, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Coordinator

Office: 308 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3220
Email: mecollins@pvamu.edu

Dr. Michael Royster

Michael D. Royster, DMin
Assistant Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator

Office: 304A G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3221
Email: mdroyster@pvamu.edu

Ronald P. Lorenzo

Ronald P. Lorenzo, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Office: 314 G.R. Woolfolk Social & Political Science Building
Phone: (936) 261-3203
Email: rplorenzo@pvamu.edu

Dr. Farrah Cambrice

Farrah G. Cambrice, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Office: Woolfolk 305
Phone: (936) 261-3210
Email: fgcambrice@pvamu.edu

Dr. Marlon James

Marlon C. James, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Interim Associate Dean for Faculty, Academic, and Student Affairs

Office: Juvenile Justice (Don Clark) Room 230
Phone: (936) 261-5215
Email: mcjames@pvamu.edu