Dear Students,
It is with deep regret that I inform you about the death of one of our Prairie View A&M University students on Wednesday, June 15, 2023. We are, of course, stunned, and deeply troubled by the news.
The Prairie View A&M University Chief of Police informed us that a shooting occurred at an off-campus residential apartment in the City of Prairie View, Texas. Three students were involved; two of them were reportedly injured. One student was confirmed deceased.Ā Local authorities are still investigating this incident, and no further details are available regarding the studentsā conditions.
Our thoughts are with the victims, their families, and our entire PV family. The university stands ready to support students in any way possible.
Students needing counseling services regarding this incident may contact the University Crisis Hotline at 936-553-0990.Ā Additionally, Counseling Services will be available on campus at the Owens-Franklin Health Center. If you feel unsafe in your surroundings, please call 911 or the University Police on 936-261-1375 for assistance.
Beverly Copeland
Vice President for Student Affairs
cc: Tomikia P. LeGrande, President