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So far jwalker127 has created 123 blog entries.

FOX 4 News: Ken Paxtonā€™s securities fraud trial will remain in Houston, court rules

AUSTIN, TexasĀ -Ā Texasā€™ highest criminal court ruled Wednesday that the securities fraud case against now-suspended Attorney GeneralĀ Ken Paxtonā€™s should remain in Houston, settling a key issue in the 8-year-old case as Paxton facesĀ an impeachment trial in the Texas SenateĀ this summer.

FOX 7: Does Texas AG Ken Paxton have a defense

In this week's FOX 7 Focus, Prairie View A&M constitutional law professor Eddy Carder joins FOX 7's John Krinjak to discuss the latest news surrounding Texas AG Ken Paxton's impeachment. , defending the now suspended AG. In this week's FOX 7 Focus, Prairie View A&M constitutional law professor Eddy Carder joins FOX 7's to discuss [...]

Defender Network: People on the move

Clinical assistant professor and undergraduate program director at #PVAMUā€™s College of Nursing, Antoneaā€™ Jackson has been selected to participate in the National League for Nursingā€™s 2023 Leadership Institute. The NLN is the nationā€™s premier organization for nurse faculty and leaders in nursing education. Jackson, a two-time PVAMU graduate (B.S. in nursing ā€™04, M.S. in nursing [...]

2023-07-25T11:19:07-05:00June 9, 2023|College of Nursing, PV in the News|

HBCU Connect: Prairie View A&M University Launches Marketing Campaign To Highlight Excellence In Higher Education

Prairie View A&M University, the second oldest public institution of higher learning in Texas, proudly announces the launch of its new marketing campaign, Excellence Lives Here. With a focus on PVAMUā€™s rich history, academic programs, transformative student experiences, groundbreaking research, inspiring faculty, and notable alumni, the campaign aims to increase awareness and public perception of [...]

2023-07-25T11:44:10-05:00June 8, 2023|PV in the News|

US Black Engineer: The ninth President of Prairie View A&M University, Tomikia P. LeGrande, is hosting her first high-profile engineering event since her appointment in December

On June 22nd, Dr. LeGrande will preside over the opening ceremony of the Roy G. Perry College of Engineering Classroom and Research Building in Texas. The building, expected to be completed by August 2023, will provide spaces for multidisciplinary research, including 3-D manufacturing, space exploration, data analytics, artificial intelligence, robotics, and structural analysis.

Ideas for a More Prosperous Society: The ā€œForgottenā€ Keynes on Government Spending, Inflation, and Price Controls

Famed British economist John Maynard Keynes would have disagreed with the Bank of Canadaā€™s policy of purchasing government bonds with newly-minted cash, according to this joint study published by the Montreal Economic Institute and the Morocco-based Arab Center for Research.

2023-07-25T10:55:05-05:00June 6, 2023|College of Business, PV in the News|

Houston Public Media: Talk of the Town: Attorney General Ken Paxtonā€™s Impeachment, Gun Violence, TV Finales, and More

It's "Talk of the Town!", a round table discussion where a panel of guests share their fresh opinions on recently discussedĀ Town Square with Ernie ManouseĀ topics as well as currently trending topics.

Houston Chronicle: Gov. Greg Abbott’s power grows as Texas Legislature fumbles tax cuts

The Texas Legislatureā€™sĀ failure to cut property taxesĀ is Gov. Greg Abbottā€™s political gain.

FOX 7 AUSTIN: Senate trial for AG Ken Paxton to happen this summer

AUSTIN, TexasĀ -Ā A Senate trial forĀ Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton will happen before the end of this summer. For now, Paxton is suspended from office, after the Texas House overwhelmingly voted to impeach him on Saturday.