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So far jwalker127 has created 123 blog entries.

HBCU Connect: Prairie View A&M University Announces Establishment of School of Public and Allied Health

Prairie View A&M University, a leading Historically Black College/University in the field of health education, has announced the establishment of a new School of Public and Allied Health. The school, which will open its doors Sept. 1, will house growing programs in the Department of Health and Kinesiology and the Universityā€™s new degrees in Public [...]

Security Magazine: Securing the mental health of first responders

TheĀ Fighting Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Act of 2023Ā was reintroduced to Congress in late January. The bipartisan effort is designed to establish mental health programs for first responders. The bill defines first responders as police officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians and 911 dispatchers.

2023-06-20T16:10:26-05:00May 12, 2023|PV in the News|

Houston Chronicle: Why college officials think COVID made the Class of 2023 uniquely prepared for the workforce

Morgan Redd, a Prairie View A&M University graduate who is set to begin her nursing career this summer at MD Anderson Cancer Center.

2023-08-04T11:51:50-05:00May 12, 2023|College of Nursing, Coronavirus, PV in the News|

Houston Style Magazine: Prairie View A&M University Announces Establishment of School of Public and Allied Health

Prairie View A&M University, a leading Historically Black College/University in the field of health education, has announced the establishment of a new School of Public and Allied Health.


Historically Black Colleges and Universities, or HBCUs, have been a significant aspect of higher education for African Americans since their establishment in the United States. These institutions provide an opportunity for students to receive a quality education while also immersing themselves in a culture that celebrates Black excellence. While some students choose to attend HBCUs [...]

2023-08-04T11:52:00-05:00May 11, 2023|PV in the News|

Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder: New volleyball coach brings competitive drive to Prairie View

Cheri Lindsay, a 2012 Prairie View A&M University grad, has returned to campus as the schoolā€™s new head volleyball coach.


Historically Black Colleges and Universities, or HBCUs, have produced some of the most successful and influential people in the world. They have played a critical role in shaping black culture and developing black leaders. However, HBCUs have not always received the recognition and support they deserve. That is why it is refreshing to see celebrities [...]

2023-06-20T14:02:56-05:00May 11, 2023|PV in the News, Student News|

FOX 7 AUSTIN: Rep. Bryan Slaton resigns before historic expulsion vote in Texas House

AUSTIN, TexasĀ -Ā Bryan Slaton is no longer a member of the Texas House of Representatives.

HBCU Buzz: Prairie View A&M University Receives $2.5 Million Commitment To Lead National Transportation Center

In February, it was announced thatĀ Prairie View A&M UniversityĀ (PVAMU)Ā was selected as the first historically Black college or university (HBCU) to lead a competitively awarded national-tier University Transportation CenterĀ by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

2023-07-05T14:34:53-05:00April 21, 2023|PV in the News, Research and Innovation|

Dallas Business Journals: NASA awards Prairie View A&M $1.5 million to create ChatGPT-like system

Prairie View A&M University is making strides with its research efforts as it works towards earning R1 status, the highest-tier classification for research, from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.