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So far jwalker127 has created 123 blog entries.

Houston Business Journals: NASA awards Prairie View A&M University $1.5M to create new AI question-answer system

Prairie View A&M University is making strides with its research efforts as it works towards earning R1 status, the highest-tier classification for research, from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.

Houston Chronicle: Texas A&M System marks historic naming of Prairie View to lead national transportation center

A $20 million grant ā€“ the largest competitive research award in Prairie View A&M University's 147-year history ā€“ will helpĀ launch the first HBCU-led National Center for Infrastructure Transformation in the history of the U.S. Department of Transportation program.

2023-06-21T14:46:16-05:00April 19, 2023|PV in the News|

Click 2 Houston: Prairie View A&M Universityā€™s National Center for Infrastructure Transformation gets $2.5 million commitment

HOUSTONĀ ā€“ The Texas A&M University System will supercharge the development of Prairie View A&M Universityā€™s new National Center for Infrastructure Transformation with a $500,000 boost for the next five years.

2023-07-05T11:47:39-05:00April 19, 2023|PV in the News, Research and Innovation|

Houston Business Journals: Prairie View A&M University launches its national-tier University Transportation Center

Prairie View A&M University is responsible for leading one of just five new national-tier University Transportation Centers, making it the first historically Black college or university to do so since the U.S. Department of Transportation launched the UTC program in 1988.

2023-07-05T11:23:33-05:00April 19, 2023|PV in the News, Research and Innovation|

Houston Chronicle: Texas and Houston college graduations: Commencement speakers, dates and more for the class of 2023

Texas universities graduate hundreds of thousands of students each year ā€“ in 2021, the state's public universities granted more than 169,000 degrees, according to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

2023-08-04T11:52:13-05:00April 18, 2023|PV in the News|

The Eagle: $2.5 million Investment in Prairie View A&Mā€™s National Center for Infrastructure Transformation

The Texas A&M University System will supercharge the development of Prairie View A&M Universityā€™s new National Center for Infrastructure Transformation with a $500,000 boost for the next five years.

2023-06-21T15:42:17-05:00April 18, 2023|PV in the News, Research and Innovation|

KBTX: Texas A&M partners with Prairie View A&M to lead national transportation center

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (KBTX) -Prairie View A&M University has been selected as the first historically Black college or university (HBCU) to lead a competitively awarded national-tier University Transportation Center by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

2023-06-21T15:32:52-05:00April 18, 2023|PV in the News, Research and Innovation|

Informed Infrstructure: PVAMU to officially announce $40 Million National University Transportation Center

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas ā€“ On April 17, Prairie View A&M University and Chancellor John Sharp of The Texas A&M University System will officially announce the launch of PVAMUā€™s National Center for Infrastructure Transformation. PVAMU is the first Historically Black College/University to lead a national University Transportation Center.

2023-06-21T15:59:03-05:00April 15, 2023|PV in the News, Research and Innovation|

Eurasia Review News & Analysis: Houston We Have A Problem In The Harris County Jail: A Call To Address The Root Causes ā€“ OpEd

With almost 10,000 persons in the Harris County jail and 40 deaths over the last two years, jail overcrowding and deaths are a major concern and highlights the larger problems ofĀ jail dysfunction. The overcrowding of jails can lead to a lack of adequate space and resources for inmates, which can result in inhumane conditions and [...]

2023-06-21T14:30:38-05:00April 12, 2023|College of Juvenile Justice, PV in the News|

NewsBreak: ‘Total loss’: Farmers hope for better harvest year after one of the worst droughts in Texas

As spring rolls on and things are in bloom, we're looking at planting season, crops, and how local farmers are rebounding from 2022's horrific drought. Will this year be better and include more rainfall? ABC13 went to Waller County to find out.