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College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

This PV Grad is ready to feed the world

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (Dec. 4, 2023) ā€“ It was Ms. Beverly, who fostered cats and took care of strays in the neighborhood, who fostered a love of animals in Prairie View A&M University senior Joshua Evans. Evans, who graduates from PVAMU this Saturday, has come a long way: from helping his elderly neighbor to landing [...]

The Endowed Effect

Endowed professors hold a distinctive and revered position within the academic landscape of Prairie View A&M University. These distinguished faculty members embody excellence in teaching, research and service. These endowed positions serve as a testament to the Universityā€™s dedication to intellectual growth, cutting-edge research and the cultivation of exceptional talent. Indeed, endowed professors embody the [...]

Student represents PVAMU on Arctic Circle research excursion

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (Oct. 18, 2023) ā€“ Sheā€™s on top of the world, not just because she is in her junior year at Prairie View A&M University. Kira McLeod, a nutrition major and Plano, Texas, native, recently represented PVAMU on a three-week arctic research excursion with Dartmouth College thanks to support from the Government of [...]

New project at PVAMU harnesses nanotechnology to tackle global hunger

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (Oct. 16, 2023) ā€“ In a resounding victory for nutritional science, a team of researchers at Prairie View A&M University has secured a generous $600,000 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture. This funding marks a significant milestone in the battle against worldwide micronutrient deficiencies [...]

Opinion| PVAMU-CAFNR’s Research and Academic Efforts in Addressing the 2023 World Food Day Theme: ā€˜Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind!ā€™

Like every year since the founding of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1945, October 16 marks World Food Day. This year's theme is 'Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind.' The 2023 World Food Day highlights the dilemma of 2.4 billion people in water-stressed countries and 600 million dependent [...]

Faculty PROfiles: Aruna Weerasooriya, a cultivator of knowledge at PVAMU

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (Oct. 12, 2023) ā€“ All the roads Aruna Weerasooriya, Ph.D., took on his career path led him to Prairie View A&M Universityā€™s College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources. A lifelong researcher, the professor and chair of plant and environmental sciences' desire to find new species and life in areas barely uncovered [...]

PVAMU scientists exploring hemp as sustainable alternative to grain in animal feed

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (Sept. 22, 2023) ā€” Scientists and agriculturalists started cultivating grain thousands of years ago, and society hasnā€™t stopped finding uses for it since. Itā€™s a culinary staple the world over, a core component of animal feed, and itā€™s even become critical to bioenergy production. However, some experts say the resource is being [...]

PVAMU’s CAFNR receives state ā€œAg Match;ā€ will double community impact

PRAIRIE VIEW,Ā Texas (Sept. 18, 2023) ā€“ Prairie View A&M Universityā€™s College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (CAFNR) has successfully lobbied for the state of Texas to match the amount of funding CAFNR receives from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. The ā€œAg matchā€ will help the College further its mission to enhance lives [...]

PVAMUā€™s Class of 2027: First-year students make history with inaugural Jamaican expedition

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (Sept. 13, 2023) ā€“ Since 2017, nearly 500 PVAMU students have traveled internationally, excluding 2020-2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most recently, 47 first-year study abroad students embarked on uncharted waters in a place thatā€™s lovingly called the ā€œRock,ā€ a.k.a. Jamaica, to become exposed to a new area, gain knowledge, develop socially [...]

New degree takes root in PVAMUā€™s newly renamed College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (Sept. 1, 2023) - For Prairie View A&M Universityā€™s College of Agriculture and Human Sciences, the fall semester brings a new degree program and a new name. The Master of Science in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES) has enrolled its first students, and starting Sept. 1, the CAHS will be officially [...]