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Editor’s Pick

Research at PVAMU Changes the World

Astronaut Neil Armstrong once said, ā€œResearch is creating new knowledge.ā€ Astronomer Carl Sagan stated, ā€œSomewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.ā€ At Prairie View A&M University, there are nearly two dozenĀ locationsĀ where the limits of knowledge and innovation are being pushed through cutting-edge research.

The Endowed Effect

Endowed professors hold a distinctive and revered position within the academic landscape of Prairie View A&M University. These distinguished faculty members embody excellence in teaching, research and service. These endowed positions serve as a testament to the Universityā€™s dedication to intellectual growth, cutting-edge research and the cultivation of exceptional talent. Indeed, endowed professors embody the [...]

First-Gen Forward: Mattie Jordan: ā€˜Itā€™s Never Too Late to Finish What You Started.ā€™

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (Sept. 27, 2023) - Mattie Jordan ā€™22 wasnā€™t a traditional student. She started her collegiate journey in 1987 as a business major and earned her bachelorā€™s degree in the fall of 2022 in health. In 35 years, Mattie experienced a series of setbacks that moved her goal farther from reach. Yet, no [...]