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Higher Education

PVAMU Director of Disability Services named TACUSPA Mid-Level Professional of the Year

Belinda Lewis '97 '98 PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (Nov. 13, 2024) - Belinda Lewis, a Prairie View A&M University alumna of the Classes of 1997 and 1998, personifies "excellence lives here" as she serves students as the Director of the Office of Disability Services. She was recently honored by the Texas Association for College [...]

2024-11-13T10:07:43-06:00November 13, 2024|Alumni News, Higher Education, News, Staff News, Student Affairs|

The University of Southern Mississippi: Seven ā€œMovement Makerā€ Colleges and Universities to be Honored by Association of College and University Educators at National Conference

Dramatically increasing student retention. Providing nearly 100 percent of faculty with the foundation for delivering excellent instruction. Demonstrating an enduring commitment to the success of all students.

2023-06-20T15:53:27-05:00May 27, 2023|Higher Education, PV in the News, Staff News|

HBCU Connect: Prairie View A&M University to establish new school in public health in the fall

Last spring, PVAMU became the first HBCU in Texas to launch two degrees in public health.

FOX 26: Prairie View A&M University to establish new school in public health in the fall

HOUSTONĀ -Ā With the semester coming to an end, Prairie View A&M University announced a new school coming to the Historically Black College/University (HBCU).

HBCU Connect: Prairie View A&M University Announces Establishment of School of Public and Allied Health

Prairie View A&M University, a leading Historically Black College/University in the field of health education, has announced the establishment of a new School of Public and Allied Health. The school, which will open its doors Sept. 1, will house growing programs in the Department of Health and Kinesiology and the Universityā€™s new degrees in Public [...]

Houston Style Magazine: Prairie View A&M University Announces Establishment of School of Public and Allied Health

Prairie View A&M University, a leading Historically Black College/University in the field of health education, has announced the establishment of a new School of Public and Allied Health.

Dallas Business Journals: NASA awards Prairie View A&M $1.5 million to create ChatGPT-like system

Prairie View A&M University is making strides with its research efforts as it works towards earning R1 status, the highest-tier classification for research, from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.

Houston Business Journals: NASA awards Prairie View A&M University $1.5M to create new AI question-answer system

Prairie View A&M University is making strides with its research efforts as it works towards earning R1 status, the highest-tier classification for research, from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.