Home/Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center

Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center

Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center Speaker Series features sex trafficking victim turned criminal justice reform advocate, Cyntoia Brown-Long

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (April 5, 2022) - On April 6, 2022, the Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention CenterĀ (TJCPC) at Prairie View A&M University, supported in part by the universityā€™s Presidentā€™s Office, will continue its Spring Speaker Series with a virtual event featuring Cyntoia Brown-Long, an author, speaker, and advocate for criminal justice reform and victims of [...]

Upcoming ā€˜What About Meā€™ screening at PVAMU to address Black men portrayals in media

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (March 2, 2022) ā€“ Prairie View A&M University and its Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center will host a virtual screening of the critically acclaimed documentary What About Me on Thursday, March 3. Focused on the challenges faced by African American males, the film will be followed by a 30-minute Q&A session. [...]

Former gang leader kicks off new Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center speaker series; discussion will address how to reduce urban violence

Curtis Toler PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (February 2, 2022) ā€“ On February 3, the Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center (TJCPC) at Prairie View A&M University, supported in part by the Presidentā€™s Office, will jumpstart its Spring Speaker Series with Curtis Toler, a Chicago native and former leader of one of the cityā€™s most notorious [...]

PVAMU virtual summit to address challenges faced by young African American, Latino males

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (November 16, 2021) ā€“Ā Prairie View A&M University plans to host its Third Annual Summit on Improving Opportunities for African American and Latinx Male Youth, via Zoom, on November 16 from 6-8 p.m. New York Times bestselling and Newbery Medal-winning author Jerry Craft will speak at the summit to share his research and [...]

Staffers with PVAMUā€™s Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center help bring mental health first aid training to middle, high school teachers

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (October 22, 2021) - Training specialists in PVAMUā€™s College of Juvenile Justice typically help adults who work with students ages 12-17 as part of the Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Centerā€™s focus on preventing adolescent delinquency. They say having mental health issues is often a precursor to adolescent crime. So, they often train [...]

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education highlights launch of Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center’s new program to better youth behavior

Prairie View A&M Universityā€™s (PVAMU) Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center has launched theĀ Teen Connect Parenting Program, a parent education and support training program to improve parent-child relationships and youth behavior. Partnering with the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the evidence-based, ten-week program will help Houston region parents build skills to address hurdles faced by vulnerable children, [...]

PVAMUā€™s Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center strives to break intergenerational trauma with launch of Teen Connect Parenting Program

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (May 19, 2021) - As part of its mission to help break intergenerational trauma, the Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center formally launched its Teen Connect Parenting Program, an international parent education and support training initiative developed to improve the quality of parent-child relationships and youth behavior. The program comes at a time [...]

PVAMUā€™s 2021 Royce West Forum addresses ways to end generational trauma

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (April 30, 2021) - This month, nearly 100 participants gathered for the Annual Royce West Forum and Virtual Lecture Series hosted by Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU). The virtual discussion focused on transforming families and communities across generations. James Bell, W. Haywood Burns Institute Since 2007, the Texas Juvenile Crime [...]

PVAMU staff member promoted to associate member in College on Problems of Drug Dependence

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (April 15, 2021) - Angela Broadus, Ph.D., CPS, a training specialist in Prairie View A&M Universityā€™s (PVAMU) Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center, is making great strides in her effort to be the best she can be in her field. Broadus, who has been with PVAMU since 2016, was recently promoted to an [...]

Q&A: What to expect at the 2nd Annual Summit on Improving the Outcomes of African American and LatinX Male Youth

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (July 24, 2020) - Two research centers at Prairie View A&M University are ready to address the educational disparities facing young African American and Latino boys. The Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center (TJCPC), led by Director Susan Frazier-Kouassi, and Minority Achievement, Creativity, and High-Ability Center (MACH-III), led by Associate Director Stella Smith, [...]