PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (June 13, 2022) – This summer, PVAMU Distance Services Librarian Elizabeth Jean Brumfield, M.L.I.S., A.B.D., is participating in the Association of Research Libraries Leadership Fellows Program. ARL, which has been around since 1932, is a small group of top research universities in the U.S. and Canada.
“The program is designed to assist librarians in all aspects of leadership. They provide a coach, mentor, networking opportunities, training and site visits to leading universities. So far, we have visited the University of Toronto and libraries within the state, Georgia Tech University, and will visit libraries in Calgary, Washington, D.C., and other areas.”
Brumfield recently presented at the ARL Annual Meeting in Toronto. She talked about her career and work experience as a librarian in academia and a public librarian. “I spoke as a panelist for a branch of the ARL Leadership called Kaleidoscope. The Kaleidoscope program selects new multi-ethnic and underrepresented library students who want to become leaders or librarians and provides training and networking. I was asked to share my experience working at an HBCU.”
Brumfield has worked at PVAMU for 16 years and over 25 years as a librarian.