PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (May 26, 2020) – Prairie View A&M University’s (PVAMU) College of Business ranks 80th among the nation’s top 500 business schools for faculty scholarship, according to the Social Sciences Research Network’s (SSRN) May rankings.
“In addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate students, PVAMU College of Business faculty are committed to high-quality research and contributing to the profession overall,” said Munir Quddus, dean of the College of Business and professor of economics. “We are always looking for measures of impact and are proud to continue to rise in the SSRN’s rankings.”
SSRN data, which is released monthly, is based on the total new downloads of scholarly articles over the past 12 months. The rankings consider a number of measures, including the quantity of new papers, number of citations, and new downloads per paper.
“These rankings signify that the research our faculty and students are engaged in is high quality, relevant, and in high demand,” Quddus said. “I especially commend the work of Lawrence Trautman, one of our new professors, whose work in business law and the interface between law and the latest developments in technology, have received thousands of downloads from interested scholars.”
The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business accredited PVAMU’s College of Business in 2006, a distinction of excellence attained by only 10 percent of business schools globally.
“While the College of Business has a much smaller faculty than many other programs, we are proud to stand ahead of a number of bigger programs in the country,” said Lawrence Trautman, associate professor of business law and ethics. “We are working hard to build upon our culture of interdisciplinary collaboration among faculty.”
SSRN is an open-access online preprint community that offers valuable services to leading academic schools and government institutions. Specializing primarily in the social sciences, including economics, law, business, corporate governance, and humanities, SSRN provides scholars with the opportunity to post early research, collaborate on theories and discoveries, and get credit for their ideas before peer-reviewed publication.
Academics and researchers can browse the SSRN data library and upload their own papers free of charge, and most papers are free to download. To date, SSRN features more than 797,777 full-text papers, including 67,723 papers received in the past 12 months. More than 14,444,521 papers have been downloaded in the past 12 months.
By Kendall Hebert