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The Department of Campus Planning and Space Management guides the planning and design of the Prairie View A&M University campuses built environments through growth and change while preserving its heritage…enriching existing and new environments to better support the university’s mission of excellence and relevance in teaching, research and service.
We are stewards of the “institution of the first class” legacy that we have inherited and will leave to others.
We aspire to work collaboratively to create an exceptional and special campus experience through the physical built environment. To that end, we will strive to:
- protect and continue the legacy we have inherited;
- engage all participants in a meaningful way;
- communicate in a collaborative, clear, and timely manner;
- create places that benefit the entire campus as well as the individual projects;
- plan for future opportunities while accommodating present needs;
- meet or exceed established standards and best practices; and
- create a desire in faculty, staff, students, vendors, surrounding community, and partners to work together towards the vision of Stewardship and Excellence in our built environment.
Campus Planning
- Preserve the integrity of the campus by maintaining and administering the university’s Campus Master Plan.
- Guide future development to ensure sufficient capacity exists for future growth.
- Ensure compliance with laws, regulations, administrative rules, codes, and standards governing campus development.
- Review all Space Requests that affect the appearance and function of campus facilities to determine approval processes and consistency with the Campus Master Plan.
- Representing the university to the PVAMU leadership, Texas A&M University System (TAMUS), city, county and state on matters relating to campus development.
- Work with university partners and TAMUS to identify lease, public-private partnerships and acquisition options that meet the university’s mission and future growth needs.
Space Management and Needs Analyses
- Review and analyze space requests.
- Review furniture and equipment requests as they effect space utilization.
- Maintain a space inventory and utilization database (In Development).
- Inform decisions about allocation of spaces, facility needs, and program planning.
- Help campus units find space solutions.
- Provide space-use data as a basis on which to formulate the university’s Facilities and Administrative Cost rate.
- Coordinate with external utility providers that supply the University Campuses.
- Monitors, analyze and report on the status and condition of the University’s physical infrastructure.
- Prepare monthly utility invoices.

Harrington Science Building, Room 102 & 315
P.O. Box 519,
Mail Stop 1307
Prairie View, TX 77446
Tel: (936) 261-1750