Dr. Louis Ngamassi, associate professor of MIS, completed a 10-week summer research program at Purdue University with VACCINE (Visual Analytics for Command, Control, and Interoperability Environments). The VACCINE program is in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team for Minority Serving Institutions program, which seeks to enhance the leadership at minority-serving institutions in subject areas that relate to DHS goals. Ngamassi has done extensive research about disaster management and international humanitarian organizations and sought to explore how visual analytics could aid in processing and disseminating disaster social media data.
Students interested in learning more about this field should enroll in one of Dr. Ngamassi’s courses at the undergraduate or graduate level. In fall 2015, Dr. Ngamassi is teaching MISY 5533: Special Topics in MISY which covers disasters, cyber security and other topics of interest.