4-H Youth Development

4-H Agribotics ChallengeWhat is 4-H?

4-H and Youth Development prepares youth to meet the challenges of childhood, adolescence and adulthood, through a coordinated, long-term, progressive series of educational experiences that enhance life skills and develop social, emotional, physical and cognitive competencies.

4-H Is

Learning by doing, and is available to all boys and girls in the 3rd through 12th grades, from urban, suburban and rural areas. First, an adult leader brings together youth that have common interests. Second, the youth chooses one or more projects. Projects are chosen from among 100 project areas offered, or if you don’t see the one you like, you can create your own project. Third, the group enrolls as a club, and fourth meets together to learn and have FUN. Clubs are able to explore 4-H activities, events and trips. In 4-H, there are events happening all year round.

We offer

The program provides outreach and non-formal education to limited resource youth. 4-H exists to provide meaningful opportunities for youth and adults to work together to create sustainable community change. The 4-H Healthy Living engages youth and families through access and opportunities to achieve optimal physical, social, and emotional well-being. Life skills have been identified as a key resource for the positive, productive development of youth because it addresses what they must have to function well in society as they find it. Life skills address what young people must have to function well in society as they find it.

Healthy Living

  • Junior Master Gardener
  • Winning with Nutrition


  • Agriculture
  • Archery
  • Egg to Chick
  • Outdoor Education
  • Photography
  • Robotics
  • Water Education

College Preparation and Career Exploration

Citizenship and Leadership

  • Heroes 4-Health

The 4-H model, in particular, uses volunteers as the core component of program delivery to youth. This program provide volunteers training in leadership, civic engagement, and service learning. The program also encompass subject matter workshops for volunteers, including those that contribute to certification and continuing education programs.

  • Heroes-4-Health
  • Archery Project
  • Ten County Camp
  • Angler Education Certification

Igniting Sparks

PVAMU Extension 4-H Program Events Calendar

PVAMU Extension 4-H Program Videos

Transplanting seeds with Tarrant County 4-H

4-H Starting your raised bed garden at home.

4-H Bean in a Bottle

4-H Healthy Living Series: 3 Ways To De-Stress

S.A.L.E. Scholarship Recipient

Meet our Staff

At Headquarters

In the Country