Plan of Work
POW and Accountability team provides leadership in organizational program planning, reporting, accomplishments, and evaluation. This team brings Research and Extension leaders together to clarify and develop goals, strategies, and action steps to serve the people of Texas. On an ongoing basis, Research and Extension professionals engage in a variety of program planning exercises: annual plans of work, and every year the organization as a whole engages in a statewide program planning process that solicits stakeholder’s input. The Plan of Work and Accountability team is responsible for supporting these individual and organizational planning efforts through training, and resource development. The other major task this team performs is the monitoring and compilation of the final annual accomplishment report each year based on reports submitted by Research Scientists, Extension Specialists, and Agents in the counties.
About Plan of Work and Reports submitted to NIFA:
The NIFA Plan of Work (POW) outlines plans for research and extension activities for rolling 5-Year periods. Beginning in FY 2007, the POW is a rolling 5-year POW. Thus, after the initial 2007 – 2011 5-Year POW, each POW is updated annually and continually looking forward 5 years. An Annual Report is required annually.