Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with a concentration in…
The Animal Science and Food Sciences option is appropriate for students who are passionate about the welfare of animals and careers upon completion of Veterinary, Medical, or Graduate School. This option applies to the production management and distribution of livestock for food, fiber, and recreation. As the world’s human population grows, so does the demand for resources like protein and nutrients. That demand creates a drive to seek solutions to a productive and sustainable animal agricultural system that a degree in animal science will provide.
Prairie View A&M University now has a formal partnership with the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM). This agreement allows for five PVAMU Graduates to be admitted to TAMU CVM each year if they meet the academic requirements as outlined in the memorandum of agreement (MOA).
However, meeting the minimum criteria for admission does not guarantee a student’s admission to the DVM Professional Program under a MOA. Students from any of the MOA universities may apply through the standard admission process outside of the MOA.
For specific questions about PVAMU’s pre-vet track, please contact Milton Daley, Ph.D..