Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with a concentration in…

The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES) concentration will help to create opportunities for the prospective students to study a multidisciplinary program that prepares students to solve environmental issues that are impacting natural resources. This program will cater to students who are seeking a Bachelor’s degree to serve in the public (e.g., USDA, USGS, NASA, and others) and private sectors, acquire higher-paying jobs, or aspire to pursue terminal degrees in order to qualify for a career in academia or in research institutions. After completion of this program, students can react, adapt and critically think ahead to contribute significantly to solving societal needs at the global, national, state, and local levels. Successful graduates will be ready for mid and high-level careers for different stakeholders in support of natural resource and environmental sciences.

The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with concentration in Plant and Soil Sciences prepares students to understand the interrelationships between sustainable crop production, environmental factors, soil management and conservation, and environmental protection. This concentration provides students with the knowledge base to function in a variety of public and private sector careers and industries including the USDA NCRCS, Extension and State Regulatory Agencies, Farm Management, Nursery and Landscaping, Consulting, Natural Resource Inventory, and Land Use Planning and Management. It also prepares students for further education in Graduate or Professional School.

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