Research Areas
1. Water Resources Engineering: Dr. I. Ahmed, PhD, PE, CPESC (
- Stochastic Modeling, Risk Management & Scale Issues
- Stable Isotope Applications in Soil Carbon Loss Monitoring and Sequestration
- Computation and Applied Hydraulics
- Water Resources Systems Analyses
- River Restoration, Sedimentation, Flood Control, and Fluvial Geomorphology
- Pipe Network Design, Operational Optimization & Energy Efficiency
- Groundwater Modeling and Solute Transport
- GIS Applications and Field Methods
2. Geotechnical Engineering: Dr. MD J. B. Alam, PE, M. ASCE (
- Sustainable Waste Management System
- Waste Containment System of landfills
- Transportation Infrastructure System Engineering
- Hydro-Geotechnical Modeling of Embankment
- Problematic Soil or Expansive Soil
- Unsaturated Behavior of Soil
- Geophysical Investigation for Geotechnical & Geo-environmental Engineering
- Shallow and Deep Foundation
- Bioreactor Landfill Operation
3. Structural Engineering: Dr. A. Choudhury, A.M. ASCE (
- Retrofitting, Rehabilitation and Repairing of Concrete Structures
- Study on Size Effect
- Dynamics Testing of Model Following Similitude Criteria
- Numerical Studies on Beam Column Joint
- Experiments Using servo Hydraulic Actuator, Strong Floor and Reaction Wall
4. Environ. Egnr., Energy & Environ. Sustainability: Dr. R. Kommalapati, PE, BCEE (
- Energy And Environmental Sustainability
- Membrane Processes for Fracking Water and Poultry Slaughterhouse Wastewater Treatment
- Energy Recovery from Manure and Other Agricultural Wastes
- Air Quality and Alternate Energy (Biofuels, Wind and Nuclear Energy)
- Life Cycle Analysis for Energy, Water, And Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Different Energy Technologies and Other Processes
- Environmental Impacts of Various Alternate Energy (Biofuels, Wind and Nuclear Energy) and Conventional Fuel Technologies
- Post-Combustion Carbon Capture
- Atmospheric Interactions of Fog Water
- Remediation of Contaminated Soils and Sediments Using Physical/Chemical and Biological Methods
- Industrial Waste Separations
- Application of Polyphony and Alumina Coated Surfactants for Treatment of Aqueous Wastes
- Fate and Transport of Contaminants in the Environment – Sorption/Desorption Kinetics and the Hysteresis
5. Water Resources Systems & Geoinformatics Engineering: Dr. E. Nzewi, PE, M. ASCE (
- Mathematical Modeling and Programming Applications Including Probabilistic Optimization
- Development of Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability Indices Based on Performance
- Geospatial Informatics – Watershed Characterization Using Global and Local Dems
- Low Impact Development (LID) and Rainwater Harvesting
- Analysis, Monitoring and Development of Sustainable Water Resource Systems for Developing Areas
- Hydropower Production and Real-Time Reservoir Management
- Urban Hydraulics and Stormwater Management
- Remote Sensing and Geospatial Informatics – Including GIS for Urban Infrastructure Systems Modeling
- Transportation Accessibility in Rural Communities
6. Transportation Engineering: Dr. J. Perkins, PE, M. ASCE (
- Transportation Planning (Urban and Rural)
- Transportation Logistics
- Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology Application
- Emergency Management
- Public Transportation (Urban, Rural, and Regional)
- Statewide Intermodal Transportation Planning
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Applications
- Economic Assessment of Transportation Infrastructure Projects
7. Structural Engineering: Dr. R. Radhakrishnan, PE, F. ASCE (
- Structural and Geotechnical Design and Performance of Offshore Structures
- Trenchless Technology
- Aftershock Effects on Structures Due to Major Earthquake
- Nanotechnology to Enhance Concrete Properties
- Evaluation and Prevention of Microbial Acid-Produced Attack of Concrete
- Developing Web-Based Introductory Course on Space Exploration
- Enhancing Education and Careers for Minorities in the Transportation Field
- Retrofitting of Deficient Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements Using CFRP