Faculty, staff, and students of the College continue to fulfill the goal of research and scholarship. Following is a listing of recent articles published in various outlets and presentations.
- Alsmadi, I., Tsado, L. & Gibson, C. (2023). Towards cyber-readiness assessments in rural areas. In Daimi, K. & Al Sadoon, A. {Eds.} Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Advances in Computing Research. Switzerland: Springer Nature.
- Ashton, S-A. (2023). Pathways to adolescent male violent offending. London: Routledge.
- Ashton, S-A. & Betts, J., (2023). Combs from Kemet. Exploring the potential of ancient Egyptian material culture for working with incarcerated communities In J. Thum, et al. eds. Teaching Ancient Egypt in Museums: Pedagogies in Practice. New York: Routledge, 188-200.
- Bussu, A., Ashton, S. A., Pulina, M., & Mangiarulo, M. (2023). An explorative qualitative study of cyberbullying and cyberstalking in a higher education community. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 1-27.
- Bussu, A., Pulina, M., Ashton, S. A., & Mangiarulo, M. (2023). Exploring the impact of cyberbullying and cyberstalking on victims’ behavioural changes in higher education during COVID-19: a case study. International Journal of Law, Crime, and Justice, 75, 100628.
- Cintron, M. & Nojeim, M. (2023). Unaccompanied minors at the border: Opinions of Latino adults, Journal of Family Strengths, 22(1): Article 5; pp. 9-22 DOI: https://doi.org/10.58464/2168-670X.1467 Available at: https://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/jfs/vol22/iss1/5
- Del Carmen, A., Bowling, B. Luo, F., Pollack, W., Gibson, C. et al. (2023). Analysis of the state of Texas 2022 racial profiling data. Institute for Predictive Analytics in Criminal Justice.
- Del Carmen, A., Bowling, B., Gibson, C. et. al (2023). A comprehensive analysis of mass shootings since 1966 to March 2, 2023. Institute for Predictive Analytics in Criminal Justice, March.
- Gibson, C. (2023). Me Too Movement. In George R. Goethals, Scott T. Allison & Georgia J. Sorenson {Eds.}.The SAGE Encyclopedia of Leadership Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Jackson, R. D., Kethineni, S. & Cao, Y. (2023).Hopes for healing: An exploratory study of trauma-informed care training and the juvenile justice system. Children and Youth Services Review, 48, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.106877
- Johnston, R., Synnott, J., Ioannou, M., & Ashton, S-A. (2023). Femicide in Northern Ireland during the Covid-19 lockdown. A model for differentiating male offender characteristics. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling.
- Ouassini, A., & Ouassini, N. (2023). Combatting the financing of terrorism in Saudi Arabia: Legal reforms and future challenges. In S. Romaniuk, C. Kaunert, & A. P. H. Fabe (Eds.), Countering Terrorist and Criminal Financing. (Chapter 37) London, UK: Routledge.
- Ouassini, A., Ouassini,N. & M. Amini. (2023). The cyber dimension of terrorism financing. In S. Romaniuk, C. Kaunert, & A. P. H. Fabe (Eds.), Countering Terrorist and Criminal Financing. (Chapter 17) London, UK: Routledge.
- Ouassini, N. (2023). Religious alignment and criminal justice legitimacy in Morocco. International Journal of Criminal Justice, 4(2), 3-27.
- Ouassini, N. (2023). Domestic Security. In S.Romaniuk, M. S. Catino, & C. A. Martin (Eds.),The Handbook of Homeland Security. (Chapter 71).Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
- Ouassini, N. & Ouassini, A. (2023). Arab Criminology. London, UK: Routledge.
- Ouassini, N. & Ouassini, A. (2023). Domestic violence, human rights, and legal reform in Mauritania. In D. Peterson, J.A. Schroeder, & D. Zhang (Eds.), International Responses to Gender-Based Domestic Violence. (Chapter 20) London, UK: Routledge.
- Ouassini, N., A. Ouassini, & Amini, M. (2023). The Algerian Way: The cycle of securitization as a response to COVID-19. African Review, 1-13: 10.1163/1821889X-BJA10082
- Ouassini, N. & Verma, A. (2023). Decolonizing policing in the Arab Gulf. In C. Cunneen, A. Deckert, A. Porter, J. Tauri, & R. Webb (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Decolonizing Justice. (Chapter 15). London, UK: Routledge.
- Rembert, D.A., Joseph, J., Threadcraft-Walker, W., Threadcraft, M., Brown, D., Soyele, O.E., & Henderson, H. (2023). Criminal liability for correctional officer excessive use of force. Crime, Law and Social Change, 79(2), 105-128.
- Whiting, S. & Cintron, M. (2023). Examining strain among Latino youth Using Latinx General Strain Theory, Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies, 1 (2), pp. 203-213. ISSN: 2583-9918, URL: www.arfjournals.com https://doi.org/10.47509/JCCJS.2023.v01i02.06
Media Appearances
- Gibson, C. (January 10, 2023). Executive Director Gibson comments on the Virginia 6-year-old shooting of a teacher, Newsy National News.
- Gibson, C. (March 9, 2023). Interview with Shaun Rabb of Fox 4 News KDFW-TV in Dallas–Fort Worth on bill filed to close Texas’ five juvenile residential facilities by 2030
- Gibson, C. (April 5, 2023). Interview with Sam Gonzalez Kelly of the Houston Chronicle on HB 4356 to close TJJD by 2023.
Presentations and Invited Talks
- Allen, T. (2023, June 1-4). Ending immunity, no qualifiers. Annual Meeting on Law and Society Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Ashton, S-A. (2023, January 25-27). Using the narrative roles and emotions approach to understand gang-involved youth. Gang Intelligence and Supervision Conference; Sam Houston State University, Austin Texas.
- Ashton, S-A. (2023, May 13). Understanding the relationship between military veteran status and use of police discretion. Presentation to senior members of the command staff including the Director of Training at Harris County Constable’s Office Precinct 1.
- Ashton, S-A. (2023, June 18). Location, location, location. Localities of adolescent co-offending groups, street gangs, and organized crime. University College London 14th International Crime Science Conference, London.
- Ashton, S-A. (2023, June 19-20). A geography of exploitation in the narratives of adolescent males in England. New Geographies of Organized Crime Symposium. University College London.
- Ashton, S-A. (2023, July 30-August 2). Psychopathy, Gangs, and Criminal Justice. National Gang Crime Research Center Conference, Chicago. [Invited]
- Ashton, S-A. (2023, July 30-August 2). Identifying juveniles at-risk of gang and organized crime involvement from police records. National Gang Crime Research Center Conference. Chicago. [Invited]
- Ashton, S-A. & Moran, W. (2023, July 30-August 2). Law enforcement styles, individual characteristics, and the policing of gangs. National Gang Crime Research Center Conference, Chicago. [Invited]
- Ashton, S-A. & Bussu, A. (2023, September 6-9).Adolescent crime memories, and emotions. Implications for police interviewing strategies for group offenders. 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology Eurocrim 2023, Florence Italy.
- Ashton, S-A. & Bussu, A. (2023, September 6-9). Crime instigation in juvenile narratives of co-offending with older people. Training, self-perceptions, and vulnerabilities. 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology Eurocrim 2023, Florence, Italy.
- Ashton, S-A. (2023, November 16). Ancient Nile Valley and Community Outreach. Land Grant Seminar Series: Celebrating Excellence. College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, PVAMU. [Invited]
- Ashton, S-A. (2023, December 26-28). The potential and impact of accessing Nile Valley Civilizations on incarcerated communities. International Symposium of Egyptology, Dakar, Senegal. [Invited]
- Augustus, D. S. & McIntosh, S. (2023, November 15-18). Black youth and their response to police Interactions. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.
- Bolli, P. & Cintron, M. (2023, March 14-18). Understanding the relationship between fear of crime and level of self-confidence among adolescents. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Conference, National Harbor, Maryland.
- Derelict, D. & McIntosh, S. (2023, March 14-18). Supporting law enforcement officers through Trauma-Informed Approaches. [Poster Presentation]. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Conference, National Harbor, Maryland.
- Dawkins, M., Gibson, C., Brewer, I. & Ward, B. (2023, October 13). Youth attitudes and perceptions regarding police, courts, and political engagement: A Texas study. Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas.
- Ellington, S. (2023, November 15-18). Content Analysis: Lottery Scamming & “Chopping Culture” among secondary school-aged youths due to the COVID-19 pandemic. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.
- Ellington, S., Krishna, B. & McIntosh, S. (2023, March 15-18). Problematic pornographic usage among children in the wake of virtual learning since the COVID-19 pandemic. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Conference.
- Frazier-Kouassi, S. (2023, February). Translating research to practice and policy & Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR). Health Education Partnership Initiative – Transforming Ugandan Institutions Training Against HIV. Health Professional Education Partnership Initiative (HEPI-TUITAH). Mbarara, Uganda. [Invited]
- Gibson, C. (2023, March 15-18). Modernizing Caribbean criminal justice systems. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Conference, National Harbor, Maryland.
- Gibson, C. (2023, October 2). Moderator, panel discussion. Living beyond childhood trauma and incarceration. Prairie View A&M University, Texas.
- Gibson, C. (2023, November 15-18). Roundtable chair and discussant: Generating an awareness of ethics in criminology and criminal justice among students. American Society of Criminology (ASC), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Gibson, C. (2023, November 20). Panelist: The school-to-prison pipeline. Hosted by Delta Sigma Theta- Eta Beta Chapter. Don Clark Building, Prairie View, Texas.
- Gibson, C. (2023, April 21), Panelist: Emergency management academic programs. Emergency Management Faculty Workshop, Prairie View A&M University.
- Jackson, R. & Motley, S. (2023, March 15-18). Examining contemporary issues at the forefront of juvenile justice. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Conference, National Harbor, Maryland. [Moderator & discussant]
- Jackson, R. & Ouassini, N. (2023, November 15). Undergraduate students’ perceptions of police, courts, and system engagement. Presentation at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting.
- Kumar, K. J. & Cintron, M. (2023, March 15-18). The impact of gang membership on juvenile perceptions of police legitimacy. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Conference, National Harbor, Maryland.
- Kumar, K. J. & Cintron, M. (2023, October 11-13).An analysis of the runaway consequences among runaway and non-runway female juvenile offenders with an emphasis on future orientation. Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice, Little Rock, Arkansas.
- McIntosh, S. D., Ellington, S., & Whiting, S. (2023, November 15-18). The Ph.D. Experience at Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the South. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.
- Motley, S. (2023, November 15-18). Adverse childhood experiences inducement into substance use: A gender analysis focused on household dysfunction. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.
- Reid, R. (2023, March 15-18). The double jeopardy of Migrant Protection Protocols. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Conference, National Harbor, Maryland.
- Simmons-Horton, S. Y., Motley, S. M., & Hartley, R.D. (2023, November 15-18). The One Family One Judge Model in Texas. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.
- Shankar, K, & Motley, S. M, (2023, March 15-18). Youth vulnerability on online engagement: A general analysis of David’s Law in Texas. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Conference, National Harbor, Maryland.
- Vijayan, V. (2023, March 15-18). Preventing mass shootings in schools: An empirically-informed prescription. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Conference, National Harbor, Maryland.
- Wu, L. (2023, November 15-18). Estimating cyber victimization risk in a hybrid physical-virtual world: A research agenda. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.
- Wu, L. (2023, November 15-18). Triple disadvantage, human mobility, and crime. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.
- Wu, L. (2023, November 15-18). Human mobility improves crime modeling. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.
- Wu, L. (2023, November 15-18). Greener the safer? Effects of urban green on street crime and safety perception using satellite imagery. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.