Data Briefs
What Parents Think…Data Briefs from the 2017 Statewide Needs Assessment of Families with Adolescents
The Center created a series of short, 1-2 page data briefs based on the findings of the 2017 Statewide Needs Assessment of Families with Adolescents. This survey consisted of a statewide representation of adult Texas residents with adolescents (age 12-17). From June 13-28, Survey Sampling International recruited a purposive, stratified sample of Texas adult residents resulting in a final sample of 616 participants meeting the sampling criteria. The final sample encompassed 44.1% of Texas’ 254 counties, with 31.3% from rural/underserved counties (green/blue below) and 68.8% from urban counties (yellow). The survey covers general beliefs and perceptions that parents have about adolescents, crime within their communities, causes of delinquency, barriers to crime-free adolescence, and suggestions to reduce crime within this population, the level of influence that specific institutions hold in reducing juvenile delinquent behavior, and adolescents’ access to mental health and substance use treatment, contact Dr. Susan Frazier-Kouassi, TxJCPC Director, at or 936-261-5209.