A student must self-identify with the Office of Disability Services each semester or session for which you are seeking accommodations.
- Provide current documentation from a professional qualified to diagnose the specific disability.
- The Director of Disability Services must review all documentation and determine whether the student is eligible to receive services.
- Reasonable and appropriate accommodations are determined by the student and the Disability Services Director based on documented needs and functional limitations of the individual.
- Students are responsible for meeting with their instructors (employees with their supervisors) to discuss accommodations and provide them with a letter written by the Director of Disability Services which will list recommended accommodations.
- The letter written by the Director of Disability Services will list recommendations for accommodations.
- The letter from the Office of Disability Services is provided to the instructor by the student.
- Letters of Accommodation may be re-evaluated with input from the instructor, the student, or additional documentation. The aim is to encourage self-advocacy skills in the individual with a disability and to include the faculty member or supervisor in the accommodations plan.
- Accommodation letters must be requested, reviewed, and reissued each semester the student expects to receive services.
- FERPA, HIPPA and all other laws of confidentiality are observed strictly. All individuals seeking services must sign a release of information statement which promotes dialogue among office staff, the student, and the instructor or service provider on a need-to-know basis.