Q: What is the highest acceptable similarity score?
A: The highest acceptable similarity score is usually 10%. Be sure to contact your instructor or committee Chair for confirmation.
Q: If my similarity score is too high, can I modify my paper and re-submit it?
A: Yes, you can re-submit your work to this Turnitin assignment until the end of the semester or term.
Q. If I re-submit my paper to this Turnitin assignment, will it compare it to the first paper I submitted and return a high similarity score?
A: No, as long as you submit it before the end of the semester or term AND you have never submitted it to Turnitin before.
- This assignment will not permanently store your work in the Turnitin repository before the end of the semester or term, so the system won’t be able to compare the paper to itself.
- HOWEVER: If you have submitted the same or very similar work to Turnitin outside of this course in the past, the work may very well be in the permanent repository. If it is, you will get a higher similarity score.
Q: Can I submit more than one paper at a time?
A: Only one paper can be submitted at a time to this Turnitin assignment. Once the Similarity Report is generated, another paper can be submitted.
Q. If I submit a 2nd time, or if I submit a different paper, will my first submission and similarity score/report be saved?
A. No. A re-submission will replace your previous submission. The new similarity score/report will replace the previous one. We recommend downloading and saving or printing each similarity report if you think you may need it later.
Q: How long does it take to see my similarity score?
A: The time it takes for the similarity score and report to generate depends on how busy the Turnitin network is when the paper is submitted. It can take a few minutes, a few hours, or a day or so.
Q: Should I include my references (or work cited / bibliography page) with my submission?
A: No – unless your professor instructs you differently.
- We do not recommend including your citations because they tend to be very similar if not identical if others have used the same source. This can cause an misleading spike in your similarity score, which should be as low as possible.
- HOWEVER: If, for some reason, your professor instructs you to include your references when you submit to Turnitin, be sure to follow the professor’s instructions.