Douglas M. Butler
Department Head and Associate Professor
Office: Delco 316A
Email: dmbutler@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3410

Antoinette Whitfield
Admin Assoc III
Office: Delco 316
Email: aiwhitfield@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3409

Edward Tanner
Academic Advisor II
Office: Delco 320
Email: edtanner@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-9942

Clarissa Booker
Office: Library 123C
Email: cgbooker@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3408

Justin Bryant
Assistant Professor
Office: Delco 223
Email: jubryant@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3402

Camille Burnett
Assistant Professor
Office: Delco 310
Email: csburnett@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3632

Beverly Miller
Assistant Professor
Office: Delco 314
Email: bamiller@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3606

Vonda Oliver
Lecturer I
Office: Delco 309
Email: vdoliver@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3684

Britine Perkins
Assistant Professor/Interim Director of Clinical Teaching and Field Experiences
Office: Delco 232
Email: blperkins@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3411

Nathaniel Richardson
Adjunct Instructor
Office: Delco 312
Email: narichardson@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3409

Beverly Sande
Associate Professor
Office: Delco 317
Email: besande@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3638

Kelley Shaffer
Associate Professor
Office: Library 307A
Email: kpshaffer@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3284

Katina Thomas
Associate Professor
Office: Delco 318
Email: klthomas@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3628

Carmelita Thompson
Director of ATCP and Adjunct Professor
Office: Delco 239
Email: cathompson@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3418

Obra Tompkins
Adjunct Instructor
Office: Delco 316
Email: odtompkins@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3409

Talitha Lewis
Office: Evans 310
Email: tjlewis@pvamu.edu
Phone: (936) 261-3410