Bachelor of Science in Teacher Education
Packets for admission to the teacher education program are due no later than April 26, 2024 by 5 PM.
Packets for admission to clinical teaching are due no later than April 26, 2024 by 5 PM.
You must submit your completed packet to your advisor.
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction offers the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. The undergraduate teacher education programs in the Whitlowe R. Green College of Education prepares candidates for teaching and related positions in public and private schools as well as in other institutional or organizational settings that promote the educational development and well-being of culturally diverse children and youth. Teacher education programs lead to EC-6, 4-8, 7-12 or all-level EC-12 standard teaching certificates and endorsements. The student selects an academic major/specialization and completes coursework toward eligibility for certification.
All students pursuing teaching certification in the State of Texas must pass a criminal history background check.
Certification Requirements
- Complete all course work on your degree plan with an overall GPA of > 2.50.
- Complete all major or concentration area courses with a grade of C or higher.
- Successfully complete Clinical Experiences (Student Teaching).
- Pass the required state content area exam/exams (currently Texas Examination of Educator Standards [TExES] for Texas Certification).
- Pass the required Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility (PPR) exam (currently Texas Examination of Educator Standards [TExES] for Texas Certification PPR).
- Complete the application in the Office of Teacher Certification.
- Complete fingerprinting.
- Pay the required fees.
Certification Programs Available
The following certification options are available in the B.S. degree.
8-12 Certification Programs
Please note, for these certification programs, a degree in the respective major is required.
- English Language Arts and Reading 7-12
- History 7-12
- Life Sciences 7-12
- Mathematics 7-12
- Physical Sciences 7-12
- Science 7-12
- Social Studies 7-12
All Level Certification
- Health EC-12
- Human Performance EC-12
- Music EC-12
Field Observation Requirements and Clinical Experience Expectations
All teacher candidates are required to complete the planned sequence of field experiences in elementary school and secondary school classrooms. All major and professional education courses must be completed prior to student teaching. Clinical experiences (student teaching) encompasses teaching during the regular classroom instructional school day for a full semester. For students seeking additional certification in a specialization, the student will complete half the semester in the area of specialization and half in the primary content area.