Welcome to the Department of Chemical Engineering (CHEG) at Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU). We offer two degree programs for undergraduate students: the Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (B.S.Ch.E), and the B.S.Ch.E. with a Concentration in Bioengineering. For graduate students, we offer the Master of Science in Engineering with a Concentration in Chemical Engineering.
CHEG at PVAMU is one of only six fully accredited Chemical Engineering programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the country. Our graduates are employed world-wide and our faculty is engaged in research ranging from fundamental to applied technology such as reservoir transport modeling and simulation, process safety, pollution and prevention, technology assessment, etc. to very fundamental research in nanotechnology, nuclear radiation, life sciences, membrane separation, bioprocess, molecular simulation and engineering education.
Departmental offices are located on the second floor of the C. L. Wilson Building, and our research laboratories are in EnCARB, S.R. Collins, and Greaux. Finally, our teaching laboratories are housed in the EnCARB Building.
Chemical Engineering Lecture/Lab Room in the EnCARB Building (2nd floor room 222)
Helpful Links
Accreditation Status
The Chemical Engineering Program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET ,http://www.abet.org.
Contact Us
Mailing Address:
Department of Chemical Engineering
P.O. Box 519, MS 2505
Prairie View, TX 77446
By Phone or Email:
Email: chlove@pvamu.edu
Telephone: 936-261-9400
Fax: 936-261-9419
Physical Address:
Campus Map (Building 36)
Department of Chemical Engineering
C.L. Wilson, Room 200
550 Anne Preston Street
Prairie View, TX 77446