Faculty teaching at podium


This award honors PVAMU faculty members for teaching excellence. The accomplishments and contributions of those selected are highly meritorious and worthy of recognition. The Outstanding Teaching Award is primarily based on the accomplishments of the nominee during the current and/or previous academic year.


A nominee for the Outstanding Full-Time Teaching Award shall be a full-time member of the faculty who holds an appointment at PVAMU for a period not less than two consecutive years. Past awardees are not eligible for nomination for 5 years. Nominees must have a record of distinguished teaching demonstrating creative and innovative instruction that inspires students. The nominee should demonstrate excellence in areas such as:

  • Organization of Instruction
  • Classroom Management and Organization
  • Teaching Effectiveness
  • Innovative Instructional Activities
  • Responsiveness to Students
  • Motivation of Students
  • Student Success

Award Amount

Amount will be announced yearly.

Nomination and Selection Process

A call for nomination is issued through Campus Announcements. Nominations are open to all members of the PV community.

Review Process

The provost or his/her designee shall appoint a review committee. The committee will include representation from the deans, department heads, and faculty. Previous awardees, if available, will be included on the committee.

The committee will review nominations and may interview candidates and request additional documentation supporting the achievements (i.e. teaching observations, sample assignments, indications of student success, etc.). From those nominations, the committee will select up to three finalists and make its recommendation to the provost by March 1.

Supporting Documentation

Nominations should include:

  • A letter of nomination
  • A summary of the nominee’s most outstanding achievements in the area of teaching
  • A current curriculum vita

Recommendation letters from students are encouraged. The application packet should adequately address the evaluation criteria listed under Eligibility.

Final Selection

The provost, from the list of three finalists presented by the committee, will select the Award winner. The announcement and recognition of the individual(s) selected will be made during the Faculty Awards Ceremony in spring.

For questions, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs at (936) 261-2175.