Using Adobe Acrobat Pro

1. Open a PDF document in Adobe Acrobat Pro. Do so by opening the white Adobe Acrobat app with the stylized, red A icon. Then click on File in the menu bar at the top of the screen, click on Open…, select the PDF document you want to reduce in size and click on Open.

2. Click on File in the menu bar at the top of the screen.

3. Click on Save As…. It’s near the middle of the drop-down menu.

4. Click on Reduced Size PDF.…

5. Click on the “Make compatible with:” drop-down.

6. Click on the most recent version of Acrobat. Limiting compatibility to newer versions of Acrobat greatly reduces file size.

7. Select a location in which to save the image.

8. Click on Save. The PDF has been saved as a smaller PDF file on your computer.
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