Welcome to the office of Treasury Services. Treasury Services is a subdivision of Financial Management Services which reports directly to the Office of Business Affairs. The goal of Treasury Services is to provide excellent customer service to our students, faculty, staff, and outside constituents with a great deal of professionalism.

We strive to remain in compliance with all laws, policies, rules and regulations on all levels of its business functions. Treasury Services manages the University’s Accounts Receivables and Cashiering section. We assist students with their tuition & fee accounts, issue student refunds, billing statements, 1098-T forms and receive and manage all incoming funds for the University. We hope that the information on this page will help answer all of your questions and/or address your needs. Please feel free to complete our online customer service survey to help us help serve you better.

Information on this page is subject to change without notification



Guaranteed Tuition & Fee Plans

Prairie View A&M University now offers guaranteed tuition & fee plans to all students enrolled. All students are assigned a cohort group according to the term they are admitted. New undergraduate students can select a 5 year guaranteed tuition and fee rate, while new graduate and doctoral students will be allowed to select a 4 year guaranteed tuition & fee rate. Undergraduate and graduate students choosing this rate plan will be locked in with the tuition & fee rates assigned and will not experience an increase in their tuition & mandatory fees during the guaranteed time period. The guaranteed rate does not include lab fees, meals, housing, or any other miscellaneous charges such as parking. Tuition and fee schedules can be found at https://www.pvamu.edu/fees/. Students must choose a rate plan prior to registration once admitted (Click here for instructions on choosing a tuition & fee rate plan). Once this plan is chosen, the student cannot switch to a variable rate plan. Click here to view rates

Variable Rate Tuition

Prairie View now offers a variable tuition & fee plan. All students are assigned a cohort group according to the term they are admitted. Undergraduate and graduate students will have an option of a guaranteed tuition plan or a 1 year variable tuition & fee rate plan. Unlike the guaranteed rate plan, this variable rate plan is subject to increase annually based on inflation. Tuition and fee schedules can be found at https://www.pvamu.edu/fees/. Students must choose a rate plan prior to registration once admitted (Click here for instructions on choosing a tuition & fee rate plan). Once this variable rate plan is chosen, the student cannot switch to a guaranteed rate plan. Click here to view rates

Flat Rate Tuition

Undergraduate students will be assessed a flat rate of tuition and fees when taking 12 or more hours. This means students will pay the same tuition & fee rate for taking 15 or more hours as they would for taking 12 hours. This will assist the student financially in taking more hours while staying on track to graduate within their specified time period according to their major. This is offered with both the guaranteed and the variable rate plans.

Calendar of Events

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