Research & Instruction Computer Lab

Located in the Periodicals Department (Room 127D), 30 Dell desktops and 1 Dell instructor’s desktop

Instruction Policy

The John B. Coleman Library offers instruction in the use and evaluation of library and information resources to Prairie View A&M University students at all levels, from first-year courses to advanced graduate seminars in face-to-face and virtual settings. The following policies are intended to provide high quality instruction, delivered in an effective manner.

  • Classroom Instructors must be present during library instruction sessions. Failure of the faculty member to attend with a class limits the effectiveness of library instruction.
  • Instruction sessions related to specific subject-area courses must be requested as far in advance as possible, but no later than two weeks prior to the requested dates, in order for librarians to have ample time to adjust schedules and prepare to teach.
  • Instruction sessions on basic library skills, orientation and general use of resources, must also be requested in advance, but no later than one week prior to the requested dates.
  • Instruction sessions must be requested through “the automated request form” located on the library website.
  • Classroom Instructors may reserve sessions with a librarian up to “three hours a semester” for any particular class section. For example, a faculty member teaching 3- sections of the same course is eligible to schedule up to three sessions for each class section or 9 total sessions.
  • Classroom Instructors are advised to avoid requesting sessions during the first 2-weeks or the last 2-weeks of any semester or term.
  • Confirmations for instruction sessions will be sent via email by the Librarian scheduled for the presentation. The classroom instructor may also be contacted directly by the librarian who will conduct the session to discuss details of what is to be covered.
  • The library instructor should be notified of cancellations at least 24-hrs before the session.

Reference & Instruction Librarians cannot do the following as part of Library Instruction or other Reference and Information Services offered by the Library:

  • Interpret medical, legal, financial, and tax information
  • Violate copyright laws
  • Appraise books or artifacts
  • Perform extensive genealogical research
  • Compile or evaluate comprehensive bibliographies. (Librarians can assist in locating resources, and can help identify, interpret, and verify citations.)
  • Edit or proof-read student papers at the undergraduate or graduate level.

Course-related classroom instruction sessions are most effective when connected with a graded research assignment. It is helpful for students to have an assignment requiring resource use in order for them to receive the full benefit of the instruction session.

No library instruction will be scheduled for the John B. Coleman Library or the Northwest Center at times when the libraries are closed.

If you have any questions, please contact the Reference Desk at (936)261-1535 or email