I want to become a licensed vendor with PVAMU University.

I’m a licensed vendor and I want to do business with PVAMU University.

General Guidelines for University Merchandise

  • Consistency: All merchandise should be consistent with the university’s branding guidelines. This includes using the university’s official colors, logo(s), and wordmark.
  • Design: Merchandise should have a modern, fresh design that appeals to students, alumni, and fans of the university.
  • Variety: Merchandise should be inclusive and offer a variety of sizes, styles and colors that appeal to all.
  • Distribution: Consider the best ways to distribute merchandise to maximize sales and reach the widest possible audience. This may include selling merchandise at university events, online or through retail partners.
  • Quality: Products and merchandise connect our audiences to our brand and leave lasting impressions. Your designs must follow our brand guidelines, be high quality and portray the image of Prairie View A&M University appropriately. Learn how to use our name, logos, marks and colors on various merchandise items.
Merchandising Guidelines

Licensing Requirement

Suppliers who manufacture and/or sell imprinted products with the Prairie View A&M University’s visual identity must be licensed by the university. Merchandise and apparel must be purchased through an approved, currently licensed vendor.

Whenever wordmarks, trademarks, logos, symbols, and/ or elements associated with Prairie View A&M University’s visual identity appear on merchandise and apparel, they must be accompanied by the appropriate registration mark. That may be a registered symbol, depending on the legal registration status of the trademark displayed. Manufacturers of any products and providers of any services using or in connection with any PVAMU logos and trademarks must be licensed by CLC.

CLC is Prairie View A&M University’s licensing agent, managing the application of licensees and the collection and distribution of any royalties. Visit clc.com for more information.

Trademark Licensing Program FAQ

The overall purpose of the Prairie View A&M University Licensing Program is to protect the integrity of the institution’s trademarks and to ensure such trademarks are used in an appropriate manner on PVAMU-branded merchandise.

To become licensed, a vendor must submit an application to Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC). CLC serves as the University’s agent for the administration of license agreements. To obtain an application packet or learn more about licensing, please contact CLC at (770) 956-0520 or visit clc.com.
Once you become an approved PVAMU licensee you will have access online (via the CLC site) to PVAMU logos and marks.
All uses of Prairie View A&M University trademarks on logo branded merchandise require prior approval from The Office for Marketing and Communications, even if the proposed uses do not involve the sale of a product, e.g., promotional items for conferences or meetings, items for fundraisers, items for giveaways, gifts, etc.
Prairie View A&M University’s trademarks may not be altered in any way. They may not be used in conjunction with the name or trademark(s) of any other entity without prior written permission of that entity. They may not be used in any manner that suggests or implies PVAMU’s endorsement of other organizations, companies, products, services, political parties or view, or religious organizations or beliefs. They may not be used in any way that discriminates or implies discrimination against any persons or groups.
The Office for Marketing and Communications will not approve the use of PVAMU trademarks or designs in connection with any art depicting or implying the use or endorsement of alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco products, firearms, or other weapons, racist, sexist, hateful, demeaning or degrading language or statements, profanity, sexual acts or statements impugning other universities.
To ensure consistency in the use of Prairie View A&M University trademarks, and to ensure compliance with a wide range of requirements associated with the manufacture and use of these trademarks, products bearing PVAMU’s trademarks may be purchased only from companies that are officially licensed by CLC to manufacture or distribute products bearing its trademarks.
The royalty rate is 12 percent and is payable through CLC on all items, including giveaways. Exemptions to the royalty are campus facility signage, awards, and uniforms. However, the use of licensed vendors is still required.

Vendors can contact CLC directly to add us to their license, become a new licensee, or for more information.

For further information or assistance, contact the Assistant Director for Marketing, Office for Marketing and Communications, at PublicRelations@pvamu.edu.

The cost to obtain a licensed to sell PVAMU trademarked products is $250 application fee, $200 advance for all apparel and non-apparel products. Visit CLC.com for detailed information.