Health Requirements for Future Upper Division Nursing Students

Must complete all requirements PRIOR to semester of admission

If you are planning to apply for upper division, the following must be completed PRIOR to enrollment in order to meet hospital requirements for the clinical experience. Students not complete in the following will not be eligible for admission to the upper division.

The following are required BLOOD TITERS. A blood titer is a blood test to determine if you are immune to the identified diseases. You must obtain the titer (blood test) and a full lab report that shows your results AND the reference range for each blood test. Review below for more complete information.

Medical Requirements (PDF)

The following MUST BE COMPLETED before enrollment in CON.

Titers (Blood Tests)
Lab Test Action: If Positive Result Action: If Negative Result
MMR* (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) (Titer must be IGG) No vaccines required. Keep lab report for future upload to CastleBranch Account* 2 Vaccines; 1 month apart followed by a 2nd titer report 4 – 6 weeks after 2nd vaccine.
Varicella* (Titer must be IGG) No vaccines required. Keep lab report for future upload to CastleBranch Account* 2 Vaccines; 1 month apart followed by a 2nd titer report 4 – 6 weeks after 2nd vaccine.
Hepatitis B* No vaccines required. Keep lab report for future upload to CastleBranch Account*; Locate previous Hep B immunization series for future upload to CastleBranch 3 vaccines; #1 and #2 – one month apart; #3 – 6 months after #2 followed by repeat titer 4 – 6 weeks after #2
Hepatitis C If positive – follow up with health care provider Desired result is Negative
CastleBranch* An electronic portal where you will upload all of your medical records once admitted to upper division
MMR* You will be uploading to CastleBranch your initial titer; vaccines #1 and #2 and your follow up titer.
Varicella* You will be uploading to CastleBranch your initial titer; vaccines #1 and #2 and your follow up titer.
Hepatitis B* Note: There is a new vaccine out called HEPLISAV – B which requires only 2 vaccines one month apart. Consider this option.

Summary Statement Re: titers (Blood tests): Need MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C. The goal is to reach immunity as demonstrated per a blood titer. If initial titers (blood tests) are negative, must complete the series and post vaccine titers PRIOR to semester of admission. Desired results for MMR, Varicella, and Hep B – POSITIVE; Desired result for Hepatitis C is NEG. Note there is a NEW Hepatitis B vaccine (Heplisav-B) that requires only two vaccines 1 month apart.

All 4 titers can be drawn at the same time. Titers are good for 5 years.

Frequently Asked Questions

As mentioned above, it is an online portal for uploading and storage of your health requirement files. There will be 2 costs that you will be responsible for:

  • $35.00 – for CastleBranch
  • $37.00 – for the Drug Screening (more information later in this document)

Please note, costs may increase slightly from above.

Keep them in a file. Upon admission to the upper division College of Nursing, you will receive instructions on setting up your CastleBranch account. Once done, you will then upload your files to that site.

As a semester one student, you will be going into the clinical areas. Each student is required to have completed the titers and if negative, the vaccines as described above. Completed medical records must be submitted by the school to the hospitals several weeks PRIOR to beginning in the clinical setting.

Yes, please see the chart below.

Additional required vaccines for upper division clinical students:

Requirement Comments
Tdap Must have received it within the last 10 years
Flu shot Must be received annually after August 1st of each academic year. Please note, documentation must include:

  • Date received
  • Location received
  • Lot number and expiration date
Meningococcal Vaccine One time dose for students entering college; will need documentation of it to submit to CastleBranch. As per PVAMU Guidelines, students new to PVAMU must submit documentation to the University Health Center and upload to CastleBranch once the site is available for purchase.
Requirement Comments
Physical Exam Should be done within three months of your admission month.

  • Spring admission – complete between October and January 1st.
  • Fall admission – between May and July 31st.
  • Must be repeated yearly
  • Must Use CON Physical Form
TB Test Initially and yearly:
Initially for upper division:
One of the following completed within the past 12 months is required:

  • 2 step TB skin test (administered 1-3 weeks apart)


  • 2 consecutive annual tests (administered 10-12 months apart, with the most recent administered within the past 12 months)


  • QuantiFERON Gold blood test (lab report required) OR
  • T-Spot blood test (lab report required) OR
  • IGRA blood test (lab report required)


  • If positive results, submit:
    • a clear chest x-ray (lab report required) AND
    • physician clearance documented on letterhead following positive results.

The renewal date will be set for 1 year.

Health Insurance
  • Students are required to have their own health insurance. You may be on your parent’s policy, but must have a card with your name on it.
  • A Gold Card is acceptable
  • Insurance is required to be current for entire time student is enrolled in the University
  • Must be a certified American Heart Association BLS (Basic Life Support) course. (Online course NOT accepted)
  • Must be good for a minimum of 2 years
  • Will need to upload front and back of card
  • Back of card must have student’s signature
Residency Status One of the following:
List of Acceptable Documents:

  • U.S. Citizenship
    • US Birth Certificate – along with government issued photo id OR
    • US Passport


  • Naturalization
    • Original Naturalization Certification of Citizenship


  • Permanent Resident
    • Valid Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)


  • F-1 International Students
    • Form I-20 – Valid
    • Passport – Valid
    • F-1 Visa – Can be Expired
    • I-94 Record
    • Status Letter from International Student Advisor – stating that the student is maintaining legal status
Drug Screen and Background Check
Drug Screen *
  • Once admitted to upper division, and have set up your CastleBranch account, you will see directions for obtaining the drug screen.
  • DO YOUR DRUG SCREEN THROUGH CASTLEBRANCH; drug screens done outside of the CastleBranch directions WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED
Background Check *
  • Upon admission to upper division, you will receive an email from IDENTOGO with directions for obtaining a state and federal background check. Once you receive the directions, schedule your appointment IMMEDIATELY
  • If background check is clear, you will receive a BLUE COLORED POST CARD which you will upload front and back to CastleBranch
  • If you have listed your home address for the blue card to be sent to you, but are not currently living there (such as your parents home); be sure to alert them to watch for the blue card and NOT throw it away.
*Drug Screen and Background Check If either of these tests comes back as positive, your admission to upper division will be rescinded.

If you think that you may have something positive on your background check, please contact a nursing advisor for instructions on completing a declaratory order with the Texas Board of Nursing. If you have been told that an offense has been “expunged” and Is not on your record, note this is INCORRECT; it will be on your record. Hence, even if expunged, you must file for a declaratory order with the Board of Nursing BEFORE YOU APPLY FOR ADMISSION.

Upon acceptance for admission to Upper Division, each student will be given directions for exactly how to set up the CastleBranch account. It will be important to follow all upload directions very carefully in order for each requirement to be reviewed and accepted as complete.

Requirements must be completed by the 1st day of the fall semester. Pathophysiology or Health Assessment may be taken in the summer per advisement of the Semester One Coordinator.


In summary the following is a timeline for completing requirements. Remember, all must be met PRIOR to admission.

Blood Titers Time Frame
Initial Titers (blood tests): MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C Complete during semester PRIOR to admission. Note for Hepatitis B; locate your previous vaccine records and have in your file ready to upload
For negative titers: Complete vaccine series; Complete follow up titer 4 – 6 weeks after last vaccine. Hep C – Negative titer is desired outcome Complete during semester PRIOR to admission. For positive Hep C titer; follow up with health care provider.
Other Vaccines Time Frame
Tdap, Meningococcal Vaccines Complete during semester PRIOR to admission
TB (2 step); Complete within 3 months of enrollment – repeated annually
Flu Shot Complete after August 1st annually
Other Requirements Time Frame
CPR Complete within 3 months of admission – BSL (Basic Life Support per American Heart Association)
Physical Exam Complete within 3 months of admission – repeated annually
Residency Status Gather needed documents as described above for upload when CastleBranch account is set up semester PRIOR to admission.
Drug Screen/Background Check Time Frame
Drug Screen Complete as soon as you are granted access to set up CastleBranch account.
Background Check Obtain within ONE WEEK of receiving email notice from IDENTOGO

Contact Information

Talisa Smith
Admissions Counselor III
College of Nursing
Phone: (713) 797-7019

Dr. Forrest Smith
Director of Admissions and Student Services, College of Nursing
Phone: (713) 797-7000

Dr. Antonea’ Jackson
Director, BSN Programs
College of Nursing
Phone: (713) 797-7000, press 6

Pre Nursing Advisors
J.B. Coleman Library, 3rd floor, Suite 306K
They will either answer your question or refer you or question to one of the above.