Transfer to Surplus Process
When a department determines it has surplus property (inventory and non-inventory items), a Property Transfer form must be submitted to Surplus department/Central Receiving warehouse for signature of Kenyatta Jolivet, and approval signatures of either Angela Hoffman, or Charles Washington, Upon receipt of an approved transfer form, the department will bring the listed surplus items to the Central Receiving warehouse. The warehouse staff will not pick up any surplus items. In the case of large quantities or heavy items, the department may contract services from such vendors as SSC, A-Rocket, All Points, or others for assistance.
Disposal Process
To discard Inventory items that are considered salvage, the department will submit a Property Disposal form to Angela Hoffman, or Charles Washington, for approval. Upon receipt of an approved disposal/destruction form, the department may contract services from such vendors as SSC, A-Rocket, All Points, or others for physical disposal, depending on size and nature of equipment.
To discard non-inventory items that are considered salvage, the department is responsible for physical disposal and a departmental record is recommended.
**Surplus – Any equipment that is useful but no longer needed. Computers can be brought to Surplus in any condition; the warehouse staff will remove hard drives.
**Salvage – Any equipment that is no longer useful or needed because it is depleted, worn out, damaged, consumed, or outdated, etc. It is the department’s responsibility to dispose of salvage property and should not be sent to Surplus, except for computers.
Surplus items are auctioned periodically through Lonestar Auctioneers. Please check for current auctions.