The Office for Research and Graduate Studies invites you to participate in a weekly one (1) hour course designed to support Principal Investigators in the development of a “submission-ready” proposal for an external funding agency. The Grant Proposal Development course includes:
- Hands-on, interactive training
- Step-by-step proposal development
- Proceed through each part of the proposal
- Work in small groups to provide ongoing peer review
- Identifying funding sources
- Building a proposal budget
- Learning about research compliance
- Reviewing the PVAMU internal proposal approval and submission process
This weekly course meets on Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM and ends on Thursday December 3, 2015, Wilhelmina Delco Building – Room 220.
For more information please contact Dr. Chris Liu x3520 or Karen Cotton x3293.
The Grant Proposal Development Course is a Title III initiative.
Registration is closed.