Welcome to OSR
The Office of Student Research (OSR) offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to conduct research, scholarship, and creative inquiry at PVAMU. The OSR supports students at any stage of research by partnering with faculty across broad disciplines to plan information sessions, workshops, research week and many more activities that stimulate and support student research. These research opportunities enhance student’s ability to communicate in various methods, work well with other peers and professionals, empower hand-on learning, develop creativity and promote self-confidence. The OSR is dedicated to being in alignment with the Division of Research & Innovation’s strategic vision to elevate PVAMU research enterprise to become an emerging research university.
Denisha Parker, Ph.D
Research Development Officer- Student Research

Research & Innovation News Stories
Special Message from Vice President Magesh Rajan
In a historic moment for Prairie View A&M University, Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp officially announced the institution has been selected as the first Historically Black College or University to lead a $40 million University Transportation Center.
Services Offered

The Office of Student Research (OSR) facilitates the engagement of graduate and undergraduate students in:
- faculty-mentored research and creative projects;
- collaborations for inter-disciplinary research;
- dissemination of the outcome of research and creative activities to internal and external audiences;
- in research partnerships with other universities, national laboratories, and industries.
Student Research Programs/Events Schedule
Office of Student Research Team

Denisha Parker, Ph.D.
Research Development Officer
Student Research