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Cheer Tryouts

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Requirements for Females | Requirements for Males | Requirements for Mascots | Registration

Tryout Information

  • $30.00 Application Fee
  • Paid on Panther Market Place (No cash will be excepted at tryouts)
  • All participants must complete a PV Cheer Application Form and the Medical Release Form. Extra forms will be provided at tryouts if needed. All participants under the age of 18 must have a parent’s signature on the medical release form prior to tryouts.
  • All participants must show proof of acceptance to Prairie View A&M University. (If you are awaiting admission to the university, contact Ms. Wright at Nswright@pvamu.edu). Together with the admission’s office, cases will be reviewed on an individual basis.
  • All participants must show proof of current medical insurance at tryouts. Attached to your cheer application YOU MUST BRING A COPY (FRONT AND BACK) OF YOUR CURRENT MEDICAL INSURANCE CARD. Participants will NOT be allowed to tryout without proof of current medical insurance.

The categories that will be evaluated include

  • Creativity-tactful mimic, identity, and use of props
  • School spirit-crowd involvement skills
  • Improvisation-body language is method of communication

** If you are not able to make tryouts, you will need to tryout by video and that needs to be submitted by Friday, April 20th, 2018 @8AM or before. Keep in mind that tryout videos are only for those candidates who have “Personal Emergencies” or candidates that are “Out of State”.

Tryout Requirements for Females

  • Material: Cheer, Chant and Dance (Taught)
  • Tumbling: Back-Tuck incorporated in the cheer, and running tumbling requires a minimum of a Back-Tuck or higher meaning (Layouts, Fulls and etc)
  • Stunts: Group: Extension-Full-down or Double-down, Liberty/Heel Stretch w/ Full-down or Double-down Co-ed: Toss-Hands-Extension-Popoff/ Full-down or Double-down.
  • Jumps: Toe-Touch, Pike and Toe Back-Tuck
  • Attire: Bow (White), Sports Bra (Purple), Spanks (Black) and Athletic Cheer shoes w/ Socks (White) should be worn each day of tryouts. A “CLEAN” pony tail or Half-up/Half down hair with (White) bow and make-up is recommended on each “Tryout Day”.

*All Tumblers will do one specialty pass!!!

Tryout Requirements for Males

  • Material: Cheer, Chant and Dance (Taught)
  • Tumbling: Back-Tuck incorporated in the chant and cheer, and running tumbling requires a minimum of a Back-Tuck or higher meaning (Layouts and Fulls)
  • Jumps: Toe-Touch, Pike and Toe Back-Tuck
  • Attire: T-shirt (Gold), Athletic Shorts (Black) and Athletic Cheer shoes w/ Socks (White) should be worn each day of tryouts. A “CLEAN” shave and hair well-groomed is recommended each day of “Tryouts Day”.

*Tumblers will do two specialty passes!!!

Tryout Requirements for Mascots

  • Skit 1 1/2-minute skit to music
  • Use of props encouraged to enhance routine
  • Skits should be done in pantomime
  • Skits should incorporate spirit raising and crowd involvement skills
  • Skits will not include any one outside of tryouts

**There is no set number of cheerleaders or mascots that will be chosen at tryouts!!



Note: If you become a Prairie View A&M University Cheerleader, it is a privilege and should not be taken lightly. Being a PVAMU Cheerleader will take hard work and dedication. Be prepared to invest August til May with the cheer program going to cheer camps, National Competition and athletic events such as football, basketball and soccer games. For such events you may be asked to forfeit holidays for practice such as, Christmas break, Spring break, and or summer break. Quitting throughout the season will cause you to be fined by repaying the Cheer organization back what they have invested in you.  Please consider this before you commit yourself by signing the application.