Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA)

TSIA Testing – Exam Fee Price Increase

Effective Friday, January 3, 2025, the exam fees for the TSIA exam will increase as follows:

  • TSI Math Only: $10
  • TSI ELAR & Essay Only: $15
    • TSI RETEST ELAR (Multiple Choice Only): $10
    • TSI RETEST ELAR (Essay Only): $10
  • TSI ELAR & Math (Both Sections): $20

Note: Any test fees paid between September 1, 2024 to January 2, 2025 will still be honored through the end of the 2025 fiscal year, which is August 31, 2025.

What is TSI?

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is a state-legislated program that provides assistance with reading, writing and mathematics skills of students entering Texas public colleges and universities. The program consists of testing, placement and developmental education for students who do not pass one or more sections of the assessment. There are several testing options as well as EXEMPTIONS and WAIVERS outlined by the state mandate. Effective August 26, 2013 (based on House Bill 3468 – Texas College-Readiness Assessment and Placement) the new TSI Assessment WILL BE THE ONLY accepted placement exam and all prior test scores for students not enrolled will no longer be valid.

Prairie View A&M University will use the state approved TSI Assessment as the campus assessment tool for TSI. Before students are allowed to enroll at PVAMU they must have valid documentation on file for an exemption or they must have taken an appropriate placement test PRIOR to registering for New Student orientation and/or enrolling in any college level classes.

What Does TSI Mean For Me?

All incoming students who enroll in a Texas public institution are required to take the TSI Assessment to determine their readiness in the general areas of reading, writing and mathematics college level work. Based on how you perform, you may either be enrolled in a college-level course or be placed in the appropriate developmental course or intervention to prepare you for success in college-level courses.

Do I Have To Take The TSI Assessment?

Not all incoming students need to take the TSI Assessment. Several exemptions can be used to satisfy the TSI requirement. Qualifying for a TSI Assessment exemption means that you can enroll in any entry-level college course without restrictions.

If you have a question please contact us at (936) 261-3610 or via email at tsi@pvamu.edu.

Student(s) who have taken PLA exams and receive a satisfactory score of those exams, could be consider college-ready for the TSI. At Prairie View A&M University, students can receive credit from the following PLA programs:

  • Advance Placement (AP)
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)

Students will need to review the PLA website at www.pvamu.edu/pla for more information on sending PLA exam transcripts to the Office of Testing Services and how to have those credits articulated in the system. Once articulated the student will need to contact the TSI office to have their TSI status updated.

For more information and instructions for submitting approved TSI exemptions, please click here.

To understand why you still have a TSI hold, please click here.

If a students wants to obtain a copy of their TSIA results, follow this GUIDE to access your TSIA scores through the ACCUPLACER student portal.

If a student wants to see the test results (TSIA, ACT, SAT, GED, etc.) that the university has inputted in the system for them, please follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the PV student portal.
  2. Click on “Click here for New Panthertracks for Students
  3. Select “Student Profile
  4. Select “Prior Education” to view all scores on file.
If a student is transferring to another institution, they should reach out to the Testing or Assessment center at the new institution to request their TSI scores through Cross Institutional Reporting in Accuplacer.

If a student took the TSIA at a different institution, they should contact the Testing or Assessment center at the previous institution to find out how to obtain a physical copy of their scores.

To understand your TSI scores, please click here.

Questions about TSIA 2.0 testing or PLA Credit (AP, CLEP, DSST, or IB) contact

Office of Testing Services
Phone: (936) 261-3627
Email: aetesting@pvamu.edu

TSIA – Testing Registration Reminders

  • If requirements or steps are provided for a testing option and a tester is unable to meet those requirements; then they would need to choose a different testing option that is available at that time.
  • Once you complete the pre-assessment activity, registration form, and pay the exam fee(s), it takes 48 hours to receive a confirmation email from PVAMU Testing Services. Testers must include the correct email address in their registration form so the confirmation email will not be delayed.

TSIA Testing

Register for TSIA
Test Accommodations



Take the TSIA in person with PVAMU Testing Services staff at a select PVAMU campus

Note: walk-ins are not permitted, and seating is limited.

  • Click the “Register for TSIA” to complete the PAA, registration form, and test payment. All three of these registration tasks are mandatory. 
    • Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA): The PAA will provide a better understanding of the importance of TSIA 2.0 for your academic journey. You will learn about test content, including sample questions, essential preparation tools, and tips for success on test day. 
    • Registration Form: After completing the PAA, you will be redirected to the registration form. Choose “Test IN-PERSON” for the question “How will you take the test?” and select “Campus” for “In-Person Testing Options.” You will then be able to view the available test dates and locations.
    • Test Payment: Once you have completed the registration form, you will be directed to the PV Marketplace to pay your exam fee.
      • In the PV Marketplace, select “TSI Assessment
      • Then click on “Add to Cart”.
      • After answering the questions. Click “Continue” and then “Checkout”.
        • Exam Fees: 
          • Math Only: $10 
          • ELAR Only: $15 
          • Math & ELAR (Both Sections): $20
        • Answer “In-Person” for “Which option will you utilize for testing?
      • Fill out the shipping and payment details, then submit your order.
      • A copy of your payment receipt will be sent to PVAMU Testing Services

Once all registration tasks are complete, your submission will be processed. Within 48 hours, you will receive a confirmation email containing details about test preparation, integrity, and requirements for test day, including the test lab location, Photo ID requirements, guest policy, and face mask policy.

  • If you do not receive a confirmation email or have issues meeting the photo ID requirements, then contact PVAMU Testing Services at 936.261.3627 or aetesting@pvamu.edu to inquiry about your registration status.

Prior to Test

  • Study and Prepare: PVAMU Testing Services offers sample questions, sample essays, and other resources to help you prepare for your TSI test. You can find those above in the “Study Materials” section.
  • Test Integrity: Testers must review the Testing Services – Test Integrity Policy  to become familiar with not permitted and prohibited items during the test.

On Test Day

  • Calculator: Testers can only use the approved calculator built into the test for the math section. 
  • TSIA ELAR – Essay component: Testers must complete the essay component of the ELAR section on the same day that they start it. 


  • Access TSIA scores: After your test, your TSI scores will be verified and uploaded for you by PVAMU within 48 hours of test completion. If you wish to obtain a copy of your scores, please visit: How to Access Test Scores.


Take the TSIA in person at an educational institution in your area. 

  • OPTION #1: Use the Test Center Locator to find a test site near you. If a site is found, write down the following information:
    • Institution’s Name
    • Institution’s Address
    • Institution’s Email
    • Institution’s Phone Number
  • OPTION #2: Contact the nearest educational institution (college or university) and speak with someone at their Testing or Assessment Center to see if they can administer the exam. If they can, write down the following information:
    • Institution’s Name
    • Institution’s Address
    • Institution’s Email
    • Institution’s Phone Number
    • Name and Title of Test Proctor

Click the “Register for TSIA” to complete the PAA, registration form, and test payment. All three of these tasks are mandatory.

  • Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA): The PAA will provide a better understanding of the importance of TSIA 2.0 for your academic journey. You will learn about test content, including sample questions, essential preparation tools, and tips for success on test day. 
  • Registration Form: After finishing the PAA, you will be redirected to the registration form. Select “Test IN-PERSON” for “How will you take the test?” and choose “Remote” for “In-Person Testing Options.” 
    • If you used the test center locator, select “I found this location using the ACCUPLACER Test Center locator” for “How did you find this Non-PVAMU Test location”, then input the following information into the registration form: 
      • Institution’s Name  
      • Institution’s Address  
      • Institution’s Email 
      • Institution’s Phone Number 
    • If you found the site without the locatorselect “I found this location without using the ACCUPLACER Test Center Locator for “How did you find this Non-PVAMU Test location”, then the following information into the registration form: 
      • Institution’s Name 
      • Institution’s Address 
      • Institution’s Email 
      • Institution’s Phone Number 
      • Name and Title of Test Proctor 
  • Test Payment: Once you have completed the registration form, you will be directed to the PV Marketplace to pay your exam fee.
    • In the PV Marketplace, select “TSI Assessment
    • Then click on “Add to Cart”.
    • After answering the questions. Click “Continue” and then “Checkout”.
      • Exam Fees: 
        • Math Only: $10
        • ELAR Only: $15 
        • Math & ELAR (Both Sections): $20
      • Answer “In-Person” for “Which option will you utilize for testing?
    • Fill out the shipping and payment details, then submit your order.
    • A copy of your payment receipt will be sent to PVAMU Testing Services

Once all registration tasks are complete, Testing Services will contact the the institution and do the following: 

  • If you used the test center locator: Verify that the site can still administer the test to the tester. This verification will take 72 hours to complete.
  • If you found the site without the locator: Verify and train the test site and proctors. This verification may take at least 10 to 14 business days to complete.
    • Note: If a site cannot be verified or is unable to proctor the exam, PVAMU Testing Services will reach out to the tester to help them find an alternative remote location. 

Once a test site has been verified, testers will receive the following:  

  • If you used the test center locator: You will receive a test voucher and a confirmation email. The voucher contains the code needed for testing, while the email includes instructions for scheduling your test with the proctoring institution. The email also provides details on test preparation, PVAMU test integrity policies, and reminders for test day (such as ID requirements and exam information). 
  • If you found the site without the locator: You will receive a confirmation email that includes instructions for scheduling your test with the proctoring institution. The email also provides details on test preparation, PVAMU test integrity policies, and reminders for test day (such as ID requirements and exam information). 

Testers will contact the proctoring institution to schedule their test date and time.

  • Note: the proctoring institution may charge a proctoring fee, which testers are solely responsible for paying. 

Prior to Test 

  • Study and Prepare: PVAMU Testing Services offers sample questions, sample essays, and other resources to help you prepare for your TSI test. You can find those above in the “Study Materials” section.
  • Test Integrity: Testers must review the Testing Services – Test Integrity Policy  to become familiar with not permitted and prohibited items during the test. 

On Test Day 

  • Refer to any email from the proctoring institution, as it will include important information about test day parking and the test location.
  • Calculator: Testers can only use the approved calculator built into the test for the math section. 
  • TSIA ELAR – Essay component: Testers must complete the essay component of the ELAR section on the same day that they start it 


  • Access TSIA scores: After your test, your TSI scores will be verified and uploaded for you by PVAMU within 48 hours of test completion. If you wish to obtain a copy of your scores, please visit: How to Access Test Scores.



Take the TSIA online through a third-party provider with a live proctor 24/7, year-round. 

Computer Requirements

  • The tester’s computer will need to fulfill the proctoring company’s system requirements found here.
    • IMPORTANT: Computers owned or provided by Prairie View A&M University, as well as those provided by K-12 schools and school districts, cannot be used for taking TSI exams virtually.
  • The camera will need to move to give the proctor a full 360-degree view of your test room.
  • Headsets and wireless earphones are prohibited.

Test Environment Requirements

  • Test Room
    • Testing should not take place in public areas (parks, internet cafes, restaurants, cars, etc.) or high traffic areas of your home (living room, kitchen, etc.).
    • Make sure you are alone in a private room free from distractions. No one should enter or sit in the room during the test.
    • Do not engage in conversation, and no one should walk in or out while you are testing.
    • Silence is required during the exam; communication is only permitted with the test proctor.
      • Note: Testers must treat virtual test proctors with respect. Any disrespectful behavior will be reported to PVAMU Student Conduct.
    • The room must not contain any maps, periodic tables, posters, charts, or other materials related to the test subject.
  • Workspace & Seating
    • Computer and keyboard must be placed on a desk or tabletop surface throughout the exam.
    • The tabletop and surrounding area must be free of all non-permitted and prohibited materials.
    • You must sit in a standard chair for the entire duration of the test; sitting in bed, on a couch, overstuffed chair, or floor is not allowed.
    • Only permitted items (listed below) may be on the surface.
  • Permitted Items
    • One single-sided whiteboard (maximum size: 9×12) and one dry-erase marker or five sheets of scratch paper and one writing instrument (pencil or pen).
    • The proctor will inspect the scratch paper(s) and whiteboard before starting the exam.
    • When using these items, you must face the camera fully; turning away or out of view is not allowed.
    • At the end of the test in view of the test proctor:
      • If using scratch paper, you must tear up all used scratch paper and show all unused scratch paper.
      • If using a whiteboard, wipe everything off the whiteboard.
    • Acceptable photo identification (physical copy).
  1. Click the “Register for TSIA” to complete the PAA, Registration Form, and Test Payment. All three of these tasks are mandatory.
    • Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA): The PAA will provide a better understanding of the importance of TSIA 2.0 for your academic journey. You will learn about test content, including sample questions, essential preparation tools, and tips for success on test day.
    • Registration Form: After finishing the PAA, you will be redirected to the registration form. Select “Test ONLINE” for “How will you take the test?” and choose “Virtual” for “Online Testing Options.”
    • Test Payment: Once you have completed the registration form, you will be directed to the PV Marketplace to pay your exam fee.
      • In the PV Marketplace, select “TSI Assessment
      • Then click on “Add to Cart”.
      • After answering the questions. Click “Continue” and then “Checkout”.
        • Exam Fees:
          • Math Only: $10
          • ELAR Only: $15
          • Math & ELAR (Both Sections): $20
        • Answer “Online” for “Which option will you utilize for testing?” – this is where the $28 Virtual proctoring fee will be applied to your order.
      • Fill out the shipping and payment details, then submit your order.
      • A copy of your payment receipt will be sent to PVAMU Testing Services
  • Within 48 hours, you will receive a test voucher with instructions on how to schedule your test date and time with the proctoring company. 

Using the test voucher, you will create your testing account with the proctoring company, enter your voucher code, and schedule your TSI test. 

  • On-Demand Fee: Applies for appointments scheduled less than 72 hours in advance. 
    • Within 72 hours: $8
    • Within 24 hours: $5

Prior to Test

  • Study and Prepare: PVAMU Testing Services offers sample questions, sample essays, and other resources to help you prepare for your TSI test. You can find those above in the “Study Materials” section.
  • Test Integrity: Testers must review the Testing Services – Test Integrity Policy to become familiar with not permitted and prohibited items during the test. 

On Test Day

  • Test your internet connection at least an hour before your scheduled session.
  • DISABLE pop-up blockers.
    • How to turn off the pop-blocker in Google Chrome
      • Open Chrome.
      • Click on the three dots in the top right corner.
      • Scroll down the list and click “Settings”.
      • Click “Privacy and Security” on the list in the left corner.
      • Then click “Site Settings”.
      • Click “Pop-ups and redirects” under the “Content” section.
      • Switch to “Sites can send pop-ups and use redirects”.
    • How to turn off pop-blocker in Firefox.
      • Open Firefox.
      • Click the menu button, then select Settings.
      • Select Privacy & Security.
      • Under the “Permissions” section, uncheck the box to the left of “Block pop-up windows.”
      • To open content after disabling or configuring the pop-up blocker, you may need to refresh the page.
  • REMOVE Grammarly and any other spell check or language translator program from your computer. Failure to remove or disable Grammarly will result in your test being invalid.
    • Removal of Grammarly from Chrome browser
      • Right-click the “G” icon on the Chrome toolbar
      • Select Remove from Chrome
    • Removal of Grammarly from Firefox browser
      • Open Firefox.
      • Click the menu button, then select Settings.
      • At the bottom-left, select Extensions & Themes.
      • Then, select Extensions.
      • Click the Remove button.
      • Click Restart now if it pops up. Your tabs will be saved and restored after the restart.
  • Follow all instructions provided by the test proctor.
  • Maintain silence during the exam, communicating only with the test proctor and no one else.
  • Calculator: Testers can only use the approved calculator built into the test for the math section.
  • TSIA ELAR – Essay component: Testers must complete the essay component of the ELAR section on the same day that they start it.


  • Access TSIA scores: After your test, your TSI scores will be verified and uploaded for you by PVAMU within 48 hours of test completion. If you wish to obtain a copy of your scores, please visit: How to Access Test Scores.