Aaron May, Graduate Student
Thesis: Conjugate Heat Transfer Measurements and Finite Element Analysis of One-Side Heated Flow Channels with Forced Convective Single-Phase and Flow Boiling
Thesis: Conjugate Heat Transfer Measurements and Finite Element Analysis of One-Side Heated Flow Channels with Forced Convective Single-Phase and Flow Boiling
Thesis: Steady-State Single-Phase, Flow Boiling, and Conjugate Heat Transfer Measurements in One-Side Heated Circular Cylindrical and Monoblock Flow Channels
NASA Sharp Plus Apprentices in the Thermal Science Research Center (TSRC). Mr. Quaid Peatiwala (see picture below) and Professor Ronald Boyd were their mentors.
MS Research Project Report: A Ten-Domain Model For Hypervapotron Peaking Factors
Thesis: Forced Convection Heat Transfer With and Without Enhancement Devices in Single-Side Heated Vertical Channels with Downward Flow.
Former member of one of the TSRC Conceptual Design Teams.