PVAMU MathUP & WriteUP Summer Programs
The Prairie View A&M University MathUP summer bridge program give incoming Freshman who are not eligible for college level math a jumpstart into their Math preparation for college success. Our goal is to help as many students as possible become college ready for math by the beginning of their first semester at Prairie View A&M University.
The Prairie View A&M University WriteUP summer bridge program give incoming Freshman who are not eligible for college level reading or writing a jumpstart into their Reading & Writing preparation for college success. Our goal is to help as many students as possible become college ready for reading and writing by the beginning of their first semester at Prairie View A&M University.
Participants must be admitted as a freshman for Fall 2016. All students are required to have completed the TSI Assessment and have not met the math or writing requirements prior to entering the program. Transportation must be provided by the student.
Program Dates:
Northwest Houston Campus:
9449 Grant Rd.
Houston, TX 77070
Space is limited so sign up today! Registration is FREE. Students must complete a registration form to be considered.
Cost: Free
MathUP & WriteUP
Attn: John Gardner
P.O. Box 519: M.S. 3002
University College
Prairie View, Texas 77446
Office: (936) 261-3635
Email: jpgardner@pvamu.edu
Registration for this program is now closed.
Cross Institutional Reporting Form - Use this link if you the TSI office to pull your TSI Assessment scores electronically from another institution